I am trying the first example from https://www.fluentui-blazor.net/Autocomplete. It works very well. When page loads, the autocomplete is empty. When you click, it shows list. If you click on any country, it is selected. It works very well.
I have copied the code below for reference.
<FluentAutocomplete TOption="Country"
Label="Select a country"
Placeholder="Select country"
OptionText="@(x => x.Name)"
OptionSelected="@(x => x.Name == "Germany")"/>
@code {
List<Country> allCountries = new List<Country>();
IEnumerable<Country> SelectedItems = Array.Empty<Country>();
protected override void OnInitialized()
void InitCountries()
allCountries.Add(new Country { Name = "Germany" });
allCountries.Add(new Country { Name = "France" });
allCountries.Add(new Country { Name = "United Arab Emirates" });
private async Task OnSearchAsync(OptionsSearchEventArgs<Country> e)
e.Items = allCountries.Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith(e.Text));
class Country
public string? Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
Problem: I want to select a country e.g. Germany, when page loads.
From the docs, I have used OptionSelected. But it does not work.
OptionSelected="@(x => x.Name == "Germany")"
I am creating an edit form for Person (Name, Phone, Email, Country). For creating a new person, the forms works, because the autocomplete will be empty. But if I open the page in edit mode and want to load existing person, how can I pre-select the country in the FluentAutoComplete?
You could try initialize the SelectedItems
at the begining like following sample:
@page "/"
<FluentAutocomplete TOption="Country"
Label="Select a country"
Placeholder="Select countries"
OptionDisabled="@(e => e.Code == "au")"
OptionText="@(item => item.Name)"
@bind-SelectedOptions="@SelectedItems" />
<b>Selected</b>: @(String.Join(" - ", SelectedItems.Select(i => i.Name)))
static Person editPerson = default!;
IEnumerable<Country> SelectedItems = Array.Empty<Country>();
protected override void OnInitialized()
//Asume we initilize a person to edit
editPerson = new Person
UserCountries=new List<Country>
new Country{Name="Canada",Code="ca"},
new Country{Name="America",Code="us"},
//initialize "SelectedItems"
SelectedItems = editPerson.UserCountries;
public class Person
public string UserName { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Country> UserCountries { get; set; }
public class Country
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Code { get; set; }
private async Task OnSearchAsync(OptionsSearchEventArgs<Country> e)
var allCountries = new List<Country>()
new Country{Name="Australia",Code="au"},
new Country{Name="United States",Code="us"},
new Country{Name="Canada",Code="ca"},
new Country{Name="Japan",Code="jp"}
e.Items = allCountries.Where(i => i.Name.StartsWith(e.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
.OrderBy(i => i.Name);