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Deserialize json array into existing Vec

I have some function, here called request, that returns a JSON string with some data. For example, an array with variable size. I can deserialize the JSON string into a Vec just fine with serde_json, but I have to call the request many times. I would like instead to reuse the Vec already created, instead of dropping and creating a new Vec every time deserialization happens.

Is there a way to deserialize a JSON string into an existing Vec? I had a look at the visitor and at this example, but I am not sure which I would have to implement. Either a custom visitor or a deserializer that wraps the serde_json::Deserializer and has a reference to a Vec, or perhaps something else entirely.

Here is some code with an example. Thanks.

use serde_json;

fn request(i: usize) -> String {
    let mut v = vec![0; i];

    for n in 1..i {
        v[n] = n


fn main() {
    let mut bigvec = serde_json::from_str::<Vec<i32>>(&request(100)).unwrap();
    println!("{:?}", &bigvec);

    // - now we will rerun the request many times and we would like to reuse our vec

    let many_iterations = 10;
    for n in 1..many_iterations {

        let resp = request(n); // we receive a new request with a vec with different length

        // - we would like something like the below, which does not exist
        serde_json::from_str_into::<Vec<i32>>(&resp, &mut bigvec);



  • There is a hidden1 deserialize_in_place method on the Deserialize trait that can support this. By default it would simply create a new value and assign it to the existing one, but Vec's impl does exactly what you want.

    So you just need to call it manually with the serde-json deserializer:

    use serde::Deserialize;
    use serde_json::Deserializer;
    let mut deserializer = Deserializer::from_str(&resp);
    Deserialize::deserialize_in_place(&mut deserializer, &mut bigvec).unwrap();

    1. This is not a private API. The documentation says "This method is stable and an official public API, but hidden from the documentation because it is almost never what newbies are looking for."

    However, using #[derive(Deserialize)] will NOT implement deserialize_in_place unless you enable the deserialize_in_place feature of serde_derive. The default implementation of Deserialize::deserialize_in_place simply calls to Deserialize::deserialize. This means that calling deserialize_in_place will not always perform in-place deserialization.

    struct Foo {
        a: Vec<i32>,
    let mut foo = Foo { a: Vec::new() };
    for data in example_data {
        // If the `deserialize_in_place` feature is not enabled, this call will result
        // in a new `Vec` being created every call.
        let mut deserializer = Deserializer::from_str(&resp);
        Foo::deserialize_in_place(&mut deserializer, &mut foo).unwrap();