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Enum within RestEasy @RestForm?

I have a JAX-RS service that handles multipart PUT operations, with a request object mapped using the @RestForm annotation. All of the parameters within the @RestForm are serialized/deserialized properly, and I'm able to see them come across to my JAX-RS endpoint method. However, when I added a property to the form that is an Enum it does not seem to be mapped correctly. When I PUT a request with this Enum value set, my JAX-RS endpoint sees the value as null.

My form is quite simple and looks something like this:

public class MyEnumForm {

private String paramA = null;

private String paramB = null;

private MyEnumType enumParam = null;



My JAX-RS endpoint method looks like this...

@Consumes({ MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA })
public Response testPut(@MultipartForm MyEnumForm) {



Am I missing an annotation on the enum in my form class? Is there something special I have to do for enum types in this scenario?


  • The issue was that my enum needed a public static fromString(String) method to convert the provided String value to an Enum instance. Once that was added, RestEasy converted it properly.