I am not getting the expected result when trying to post a form using ajax.
I have a simple form. I also have a jquery script to submit the form so I can try to pre-validate a captcha text box before submitting the form. I know this is something simple, but it's driving me nuts.
What is supposed to do is post to a php page to validate the captcha and other information. Currently for testing, I have my php page just simply output "Test Return Data" then the jquery is supposed to do a simple alert message.
Unfortunately, the return I am getting appears to be the html from the current page not the text being returned.
I do not know if it makes a difference, but I am trying to post to a different page for validation other than what the post in the form says.
If it was working correctly (the way I am trying to get it to work), I would get an alert that says "Test Return Data". My best guess is that I have some kind of syntax error that I am not seeing, or I am going about everything wrong.
I am using jquery-3.7.1.min.js.
What is even more frustrating is that it works on my machine (localhost) in both Edge and Duck-Duck_Go browsers, but not from the server (hosted at HostGator).
Here is a simplified version of the form:
<form id="LogInForm" name="LogInForm" method="post" action="DoLogin.php" title="Log in to access members only features">
<label for="UName" id="UNameLbl" class="bregLbl">Email Address</label>
<input type="text" id="UName" name="UName" />
<label for="PWord" id="PWordLbl" class="bregLbl">Password</label>
<input type="password" id="PWord" name="PWord" />
<label for="ValidationTxt" id="ValidationTxtLbl" class="bregLbl">Captcha</label>
<img src="ValidationImg.php?CB=<?php echo $CB; ?>" id="LogInFormCaptcha" />
<input type="text" id="ValidationTxt" name="ValidationTxt" />
<input class="send" type="submit" id="LoginButton" name="LoginButton" value="Log In" title="Click Here To Log In" />
Here is my jquery script:
$("#LogInForm").on("submit", function(e){
var unameval = $.trim($("#UName").val());
var pwordval = $.trim($("#PWord").val());
var valtxtval = $.trim($("#ValidationTxt").val());
if (unameval.length == 0 || pwordval.length == 0 || valtxtval.length == 0)
$("#LogInErrMsgTxt").html("<ul><li>Please complete all form fields</li><ul>");
var PostData = {uname: unameval,pword: pwordval,valtxt: valtxtval};
$.post("loginvalidations.php", PostData, function(result){
Here is loginvalidations.php:
echo "Test Return Data";
Here is a screenshot of what I am seeing from when it at my host.It is like the jquery is posting to the same page as the form instead of loginvalidations.php.
Here is what I see from localhost, which is what it's supposed to do.
The whole thing can be seen at https://wvsr.club/login
Well, this is embarrassing... The problem was not with my code. The problem was actually with my .htaccess file. I have the entry:
RewriteRule login login.php [L]
Because the page I was trying to post to is loginvalidations.php and that "login" is the beginning of loginvalidations, the form was indeed posting to itself. I have remedied that by making sure that I do have a rule to catch loginvalidations before login.
I knew it was going to be something incredibly stupidly simple.