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Can't call Javascript on Safari through Applescript

I'm trying to determine if a tab is playing audio via javascript, which is being called by the following applescript:

tell application "Safari"
    set theScript to "!!'audio,video'),function(elem){return elem.duration > 0 && !elem.paused});"
    set ret to do JavaScript theScript in current tab of first window
    return ret
end tell

However, I get the following error:

error "The variable ret is not defined." number -2753 from "ret"

This javascript works fine when called through the Safari Console. I have tried investigating missing imports that are loaded in Console but not via the call from Applescript, but can't seem to solve this. Please could someone help me?


Running the following works, so the problem lies with the specific javascript I am trying to run

tell application "Safari"
    set theScript to "numbervalue=3;fred=numbervalue+4"
    set ret to do JavaScript theScript in current tab of first window
    return ret
end tell

returns 7 as expected


  • For some strange reason do JavaScript has trouble returning booleans, so after hours of trying things this ended up working:

    tell application "Safari"
        set theScript to "a = !!'audio,video'),function(elem){return elem.duration > 0 && !elem.paused}); a.toString();"
        set ret to do JavaScript theScript in current tab of first window
        return ret
    end tell

    BUT this is only a problem when calling in Safari! Hope this helps a poor soul out