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OpenJPA EntityExistsException "already exists in this context; another cannot be persisted", how to get an internal @idhex value?

I get an error object already exists when calling em.persist(serviceInstance) method. Object has several OneToMany(unidirectional) child object links, and one of the ServiceInstance -> ServiceInstanceProperty child object has this error.

I put SQL=TRACE logging but this error happens before sql formula is sent to a jdbc driver. Tried to sysout print prop.hashCode() but no match to a ServiceInstanceProperty@4f70aab2 value I can think of.

Is there a way to get more information about this object, hashCode()+key_values+values anything able to match to a property instance? Can I ask OpenJPA to give me @4f70aab2 value of the property instance?

Caused by: <openjpa-3.2.2-re5933d6 nonfatal store error> org.apache.openjpa.persistence.EntityExistsException:
An object of type "my.db.ServiceInstanceProperty" with oid "my.db.ServiceInstanceProperty-my.db.BeanProperty$PK@b0709ec6" 
already exists in this context; another cannot be persisted.
FailedObject: my.db.ServiceInstanceProperty@4f70aab2
    at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.BrokerImpl.checkForDuplicateId(

edit1: ok I was able to pinpoint an object by using a primary key BeanProperty$PK@b0709ec6 hashCode-to-hex value, primary key object is "never changed" hashCode value so easier to track object. Now need to study what went wrong in saving a jpa entities.

edit2: my copypaste mistake, updated two objects with the same PK key, secret was to print toHexString(obj.getPK().hashCode()) from the primary key as it's not anything set by an internal OpenJPA id tracking.


  • Secret was to print toHexString(obj.getPK().hashCode()) from the primary key as it's not anything set by an internal OpenJPA id tracking.

    oid "my.db.ServiceInstanceProperty-my.db.BeanProperty$PK@b0709ec6"