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Proper way to mount some files from secret with specified name

I have an external secret that contains certificate, keystore and truststore generated by cert-manager. So it contains keystore.jks, truststore.jks + some other files. I need to use this keystore.jks in my application, but it expect specific name of the keystore (something like client_certificate.jks) that I can't change now. For now I solve it this way:

- mountPath: /app/secret/client_certificate.jks
  name: cliet_certificate
  subPath: keystore.jks
  readOnly: true

but I've read (

A container using a Secret as a subPath volume mount will not receive Secret updates.

Is there an option how to do it other way? I had an idea to use something like symlink, but not sure how to configure it properly.


  • The secret can be mounted into folder which will hold all the files in secret.
    Below will be sample.

        - volumeMounts:
          name: sec-vol
          mountPath: "/app/secret/"
      - name: sec-vol
          secretName: mysecret

    In docker entry / dockerfile create a symbolic link to file

    ln -s /app/secret/key.jks <desinationfolder>/key.jks