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Copy HyperVM Iotedge docker container offline files into Local Drive

I'm having a Windows 10 host with Hyper-V Linux VM having IOT EdgeAgent and EdgeHub modules installed. I have provided storageFolder mount to EdgeAgent & Hub to store offline files at var/iotedge/storage location in EdgeHub container.

I would like to run docker command to copy this nested VM container files with host Windows local C:/TempEdge folder.

Step 1: Using "connect-eflowVM" command to connect to IotEdge VM Step 2: sudo docker cp EdgeHub:/var/iotedge/storage "c:/TempEdge"

But it's treating 'c' as another container and throwing cannot copy between container error.

I have tried replacing "c:/TempEdge" with "//c/TempEdge" and "c/TempEdge"

But then it throws no such file directory error.

What will be the correct format or way to run this query in EflowVM (hyper-V) and copy data to host Windows C drive

Edit: Adding message for No such file or directory error

PS C:\Windows\system32> Copy-EflowVmFile -fromFile "C:\Users\XXXXXXX\TempEdge" -toFile "blobStorage" scp failed to execute [scp: C:/Users/XXXXXXX/TempEdge: No such file or directory] At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AzureEFLOW\AzureEFLOW.psm1:4349 char:9

+throw "$command $arguments failed to execute [$err]" +CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (scp failed to ...e or directory]:String) [], RuntimeException +FullyQualifiedErrorId : scp failed to execute [scp:C:/Users/XXXXXXX/TempEdge: No such file or directory


  • I followed this link to Use PowerShell functions for Azure IoT Edge for Linux on Windows with Copy-EflowVmFile.


    • The commands mentioned in the article are included in the AzureEFLOW.psm1 file. You can locate this file in the WindowsPowerShell directory at C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AzureEFLOW on your system.

    • If the AzureEflow folder is missing from your PowerShell directory, you must download and install Azure IoT Edge for Linux on Windows by following these steps:

      • Execute the command that corresponds to your system architecture (X64/AMD64 or ARM64) in an elevated PowerShell session to download IoT Edge for Linux on Windows.
      • Use the Start-Process command to install IoT Edge for Linux on Windows on your device.
    1. Set Execution Policy:
      • Set the execution policy on the target device to at least AllSigned using the Set-ExecutionPolicy PowerShell command.

    The Copy-EflowVmFile command is a function designed to copy files to or from a virtual machine utilizing the Secure Copy Protocol (SCP).


    Copy-EflowVmFile -fromFile "localpathtosource/file.txt" -toFile "remotepathonvm/file.txt" -pushFile
    • -fromFile: Defines the local file path from which you want to copy.
    • -toFile: Defines the remote file path on the virtual machine to which you want to copy the file.
    • -pushFile: This flag determines the copy direction. If included, it signifies that you are transferring the file to the virtual machine. If omitted, it signifies that you are retrieving the file from the virtual machine.

    For detailed information about the command, use the Get-Help command:

    Get-Help Copy-EflowVMFile -Full

    Enter image description here

    The Connect-EflowVm command establishes an SSH connection to the virtual machine.


    Ensure that you create the folder in EFlow prior to executing the Copy-EflowVmFile command.

    mkdir Folder

    Enter image description here