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How can I make a bool happen only once?

I'm trying to set up a dialogue system and I can't figure out how to make it stop repeating every frame.

    [SerializeField] public TMP_Text dialogueText;
    [SerializeField] public GameObject dialogueBox;
    public stopPlayer stopPlayer;
    public GameObject player;

    public DialogueObject currentDialogue;
    void Start()
        stopPlayer = player.GetComponent<stopPlayer>();
    void FixedUpdate()
    private IEnumerator MoveThroughDialogue(DialogueObject dialogueObject)
        for(int i = 0; i < dialogueObject.dialogueLines.Length; i++)
            dialogueText.text = dialogueObject.dialogueLines[i].dialogue;
            //The following line of code makes it so that the for loop is paused until the user clicks the left mouse button.
            yield return new WaitUntil(()=>Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0));
            //The following line of codes make the coroutine wait for a frame so as the next WaitUntil is not skipped
            yield return null;
    public void DisplayDialogue(DialogueObject dialogueObject)

I needed a bool from another script, but the problem is that the dialogue function is called and repeated every frame the bool is active.

I couldn't find any answers online, and I tried to move the code around to fit the other script, but that did the same thing.


  • You are calling DisplayDialogue in FixedUpdate, which runs continuously. Either you set stopPlayer.frozen = false; after calling DisplayDialogue, or you should create a flag value to check if the dialogue was already displayed.