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azure pipeline variable to hold return value of DBT core macro

I have created an Azure pipeline (CI) via YAML file that executes DBT core models/macros in given sequences.

I want to declare a variable that will hold the value returned by the DBT MACRO

I have so far tried the below :

  dbtMacroOutput: '' 

- script: |
    echo $(Build.Reason)
    pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install dbt-snowflake --user
    dbt run-operation myDbtMacro
    $dbtMacroOutput := $(dbt run-operation myDbtMacro)  # Capture the actual output
    Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=dbtMacroResult]$dbtMacroOutput"
    echo "The dbt macro result is $(dbtMacroOutput)"
  displayName: Use dbtMacroOutput dbtMacroOutput: ''  # Initialize with an empty string

But when executing, I get the message

:= command not found

Can anyone suggest if it is possible to achieve?


  • There seem to be a few issues in your code:

    • The := syntax is not valid - use = operator to assign a value to a variable.
    • You should use a pwsh or PowerShell@2 task to run Powershell commands, instead of script
    • Variable dbtMacroOutput is being declared at the top but you're trying to set variable dbtMacroResult in the task?
    • You can't use the pipeline variable in the same step where it's being defined


    The below example shows how to set and use a pipeline variable in the same job.

    To keep it simple, I removed the dbt related commands - it should be easy enough for you to adapt it to your scenario:

    trigger: none
      vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
      - job: A
        displayName: 'Set pipeline variable'
          - pwsh: |
              # set other commands here
              $dbtMacroOutput="value1" # replace with output of dbt command
              Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=dbtMacroResult]$dbtMacroOutput"
            displayName: Set pipeline variable dbtMacroResult
            name: setVariableStep
          - pwsh: |
              Write-Host "The dbt macro result is $(dbtMacroResult)"
            displayName: Use pipeline variable dbtMacroResult

    Please note that if you want to make a variable available to future jobs, you must mark it as an output variable by using isOutput=true.

    See Set a multi-job output variable and Use output variables from tasks for more details.