I have created an Azure pipeline (CI) via YAML file that executes DBT core models/macros in given sequences.
I want to declare a variable that will hold the value returned by the DBT MACRO
I have so far tried the below :
dbtMacroOutput: ''
- script: |
echo $(Build.Reason)
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install dbt-snowflake --user
dbt run-operation myDbtMacro
$dbtMacroOutput := $(dbt run-operation myDbtMacro) # Capture the actual output
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=dbtMacroResult]$dbtMacroOutput"
echo "The dbt macro result is $(dbtMacroOutput)"
displayName: Use dbtMacroOutput dbtMacroOutput: '' # Initialize with an empty string
But when executing, I get the message
:= command not found
Can anyone suggest if it is possible to achieve?
There seem to be a few issues in your code:
syntax is not valid - use =
operator to assign a value to a variable.pwsh
or PowerShell@2
task to run Powershell commands, instead of script
is being declared at the top but you're trying to set variable dbtMacroResult
in the task?The below example shows how to set and use a pipeline variable in the same job.
To keep it simple, I removed the dbt
related commands - it should be easy enough for you to adapt it to your scenario:
trigger: none
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- job: A
displayName: 'Set pipeline variable'
- pwsh: |
# set other commands here
$dbtMacroOutput="value1" # replace with output of dbt command
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=dbtMacroResult]$dbtMacroOutput"
displayName: Set pipeline variable dbtMacroResult
name: setVariableStep
- pwsh: |
Write-Host "The dbt macro result is $(dbtMacroResult)"
displayName: Use pipeline variable dbtMacroResult
Please note that if you want to make a variable available to future jobs, you must mark it as an output variable by using isOutput=true
See Set a multi-job output variable and Use output variables from tasks for more details.