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how can I use IF ELSE in variables of azure DevOps yaml pipeline with variable group?

I'm trying to assign one of 2 values to a variable in addition to variable group and can't find the reference that how to use IF ELSE.

Basically I need to convert this jerkins logic to azure DevOps.


if (branch = 'master') { 
   env = 'a'
} else if (branch = 'dev'){
    env ='b'

I found 1 reference from the following one, but this one seems to work if the variables section doesn't have variable groups.

But in my pipeline, I already have a variable group for secrets, so I have to use name/value convention and the example doesn't work with the errors like expected a mapping or A mapping was not expected or Unexpected value 'env'

- group: my-global
- name: env
    ${{ if eq(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'master') }}: 
      env: a
    ${{ if eq(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'dev') }}: 
      env: b


- group: my-global
- name: env
    ${{ if eq(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'master') }}: a
    ${{ if eq(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'dev') }}: b


  • I think for now you're going to need to use a task to customize with name/value syntax variables and conditional variable values. It looks like the object structure for name/value syntax breaks the parsing of expressions, as you have pointed out.

    For me, the following is a reasonably clean implementation, and if you want to abstract it away from the pipeline, it seems that a simple template for your many pipelines to use should satisfy the desire for a central "global" location.

      - group: FakeVarGroup
      - name: env
        value: dev
      - powershell: |
          if ($env:Build_SourceBranchName -eq 'master') {
            Write-Host ##vso[task.setvariable variable=env;isOutput=true]a
          } else {
            Write-Host ##vso[task.setvariable variable=env;isOutput=true]b
        displayName: "Set Env Value"