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App Script G Sheets Auto-Email on Specific Cell Edit

I have four tabs that contains similar sets of information. When a dropdown is set to "NEW" in Tab 1, I would like it to email a specific person. The problem I am getting is when Tab 2 is edited in the same area, it sends the same email. What I would like to do is have each tab send an email to a different person when an edit is made only in that specific tab.
Example: Tab 1 is edited > email is sent to Person 1; Tab 2 is edited > email is sent to Person 2 Right now, when either Tab 1 or Tab 2 is edited, it sends an email to the same person. I am sure I will need a new script for Tab 2, Tab 3, etc., but I want to figure out how to have only Tab 1's edits send an email.

Here is the script I am working with:

function onEdit(e) {
  let sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet(); 

  let range = e.range; 
  let row = e.range.getRow(); 
  let col = e.range.getColumn(); 
  let cellValue = sheet.getActiveCell().getValue(); 

  let projectName = sheet.getRange(row,1).getValue(); 
  let user = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail(); 
  let cellLocation = sheet.getActiveCell().getA1Notation(); 
  let url = ""

  if ( col == 1 && cellValue == "NEW") {
    // Browser.msgBox('It works'); 
      'Staff Overview Update',
      "There has been an update to the Staff Overview sheet requiring your attention: " + url + '&range=' + cellLocation,
      {name: 'Team Leader'}



  • try:

    function onEdit(e) {
      let sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet(); 
      let sheetName = sheet.getName(); // Get the name of the active sheet
      let range = e.range; 
      let row = e.range.getRow(); 
      let col = e.range.getColumn(); 
      let cellValue = sheet.getActiveCell().getValue(); 
      let projectName = sheet.getRange(row,1).getValue(); 
      let user = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail(); 
      let cellLocation = sheet.getActiveCell().getA1Notation(); 
      let url = "";
      if (col == 1 && cellValue == "NEW") {
        let recipientEmail;
        // Determine the recipient based on the sheet name
        if (sheetName === "Tab 1") {
          recipientEmail = '';
        } else if (sheetName === "Tab 2") {
          recipientEmail = '';
        } else if (sheetName === "Tab 3") {
          recipientEmail = '';
        } else if (sheetName === "Tab 4") {
          recipientEmail = '';
        if (recipientEmail) {
            'Staff Overview Update',
            "There has been an update to the " + sheetName + " sheet requiring your attention: " + url + '&range=' + cellLocation,
            {name: 'Team Leader'}


    function onEdit(e) {
      let sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet(); 
      let sheetName = sheet.getName(); // Get the name of the active sheet
      let sheetId = sheet.getSheetId(); // Get the unique ID of the active sheet
      let range = e.range; 
      let row = e.range.getRow(); 
      let col = e.range.getColumn(); 
      let cellValue = sheet.getActiveCell().getValue(); 
      let projectName = sheet.getRange(row,1).getValue(); 
      let user = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail(); 
      let cellLocation = sheet.getActiveCell().getA1Notation(); 
      let baseUrl = "";
      if (col == 1 && cellValue == "NEW") {
        let recipientEmail;
        // Determine the recipient based on the sheet name
        if (sheetName === "Tab 1") {
          recipientEmail = '';
        } else if (sheetName === "Tab 2") {
          recipientEmail = '';
        } else if (sheetName === "Tab 3") {
          recipientEmail = '';
        } else if (sheetName === "Tab 4") {
          recipientEmail = '';
        if (recipientEmail) {
          let url = `${baseUrl}#gid=${sheetId}&range=${cellLocation}`;
            'Staff Overview Update',
            `There has been an update to the ${sheetName} sheet requiring your attention: ${url}`,
            {name: 'Team Leader'}