I'm using msgraph sdk for java (6.10). According to doc, when I want to list content of the folder in sharepoint, I can use something like this:
DriveItem root = graphClient.drives().byDriveId(driveId).root().get();
List<DriveItem> children = root.getChildren();
However, when I try to do that in my app, my children list is null. On the other hand, when I will do like this:
DriveItem root = graphClient.drives().byDriveId(driveId).root().get();
Child count will be appropriate (so it will show good amount).
So I'm not sure why I can't get driveitems in my first snippet?
You need to make an extra call to get children
DriveItemCollectionResponse result = graphClient.drives().byDriveId("{drive-id}").items().byDriveItemId("root").children().get();
By default only 200 items are returned. You need to use PageIterator
DriveItemCollectionResponse result = graphClient.drives().byDriveId("{drive-id}").items().byDriveItemId("root").children().get();
List<DriveItem> allDriveItems = new LinkedList<>();
PageIterator<DriveItem, DriveItemCollectionResponse > pageIterator = new PageIterator.Builder<DriveItem, DriveItemCollectionResponse >()
.processPageItemCallback(item -> {
return true;