I need to get list of transactions
with list of logs
and tags
inside each transaction and the most important make search by field in logs
and tags
and unite it all.
Example below is search by field1
and tag1
. How to do that? Also important: I have 500m+ rows. If using WHERE id IN ..
will it be slow?
id int
hash var
id | hash
1 | h1
2 | h2
3 | h3
transaction_id int
field1 var
value var
transaction_id | field1 | value
1 | f1 | v1
1 | f2 | v2
2 | f3 | v3
3 | f4 | v4
transaction_id int
tag1 var
value var
transaction_id | tag1 | value
1 | t1 | v1
2 | t2 | v2
2 | t3 | v3
I need result:
id | hash | logs_array | tags_array
1 | h1 | [{'field1': 'f1', 'value': 'v1'}, {'field1': 'f2', 'value': 'v2'}] | [{'tag1': 't1', 'value': 'v1'}]
2 | h2 | [{'field1': 'f3', 'value': 'v3'}] | [{'tag1': 't2', 'value': 'v2'}, {'tag1': 't3', 'value': 'v3'}]
3 | h3 | [{'field1': 'f4', 'value': 'v4'}] | []
Example template I can think of:
SELECT t.id, t.hash, array_agg(..) FROM transactions t WHERE id in
SELECT transaction_id FROM logs WHERE field1={any_string}
OR id in
SELECT transaction_id FROM tags WHERE tag1={any_string}
LEFT JOIN logs lo ON t.id = lo.transaction_id
LEFT JOIN tags ta ON t.id = ta.transaction_id
That could be accomplished with a query like this
select t.id, t.hash,
array_agg (distinct jsonb_strip_nulls(jsonb_build_object('field1', l.field1, 'value', l."value"))) logs_array,
array_agg (distinct jsonb_strip_nulls(jsonb_build_object('tag1', tg.tag1, 'value', tg."value"))) tags_array
from transactions t
left join logs l on t.id = l.transaction_id
left join tags tg on t.id = tg.transaction_id
group by t.id, t.hash
order by t.id;
Another version using conditions and stripping nulls
select t.id, t.hash,
array_agg (distinct jsonb_strip_nulls(jsonb_build_object('field1', l.field1, 'value', l."value"))) logs_array,
array_agg (distinct jsonb_strip_nulls(jsonb_build_object('tag1', tg.tag1, 'value', tg."value"))) tags_array
from transactions t
left join logs l on t.id = l.transaction_id
left join tags tg on t.id = tg.transaction_id
where l.field1 = 'f1' and tg.tag1 = 't1'
group by t.id, t.hash
order by t.id;
another version optimized for performance
with cte as
( select transaction_id id,
array_agg (distinct jsonb_strip_nulls(jsonb_build_object('tag1', tag1, 'value', value))) res_array
from tags
where tag1 = 't1'
group by transaction_id
union all
select transaction_id id,
array_agg (distinct jsonb_strip_nulls(jsonb_build_object('field1', field1, 'value', value))) res_array
from logs
where field1 = 'f1'
group by transaction_id
select t.id, t.hash, array_agg(res_array) res_array from transactions t
right join cte c on t.id = c.id
group by t.id, t.hash;