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Snakemake rule does not recognize output from other rule

I have written a Snakefile "prepare_tuples.smk" having prepare_tuples as my head rule. The input is defined as the output of the rule hadd_tuples. When I run snakemake prepare_tuples -F -c20 I get the following error message:

Missing input files for rule prepare_tuples:
    affected files:

On a side note: "prepare_tuples.smk" is part of a bigger Snakefile. I dont expect this as a problem, but mention it for completeness.

From my understanding, Snakemake should recognize that the desired file is produced in "hadd_tuples" and proceed with its production, but it does not.

configfile: "config/config.yaml"

path = config["repopath"]
inpath = config["cephpath"]
outpath = config["userpath"]
dataset = config["dataset"]

configfile: path + "/1_prepare_tuples/configs/tuples.yaml"

    src = "data|simulation",
    tuple = "^B.*"

rule prepare_tuples:
        data = expand(outpath + "data/{tuple}/2024_data_stripped.root", tuple = config["tuples"].keys()),
        sim = expand(outpath + "simulation/{tuple}/2024_data_stripped_truth-matched.root", tuple = config["tuples"].keys()),

rule cut:
        script = path + "1_prepare_tuples/scripts/",
        in_data = inpath + "{src}/{tuple}/2024/{magnet}/data.root",
        cuts = path + "1_prepare_tuples/configs/cuts.yaml",
        truth_vars = path + "1_prepare_tuples/configs/truth-match.yaml",
        control_vars = path + "3_control_plots/configs/channels/{tuple}/plots.yaml",
        BDTS_vars = path + "4_BDTS/configs/variables.yaml",
        eff_path = "results/efficiencies.yaml",
        tuple_config = path + "/1_prepare_tuples/configs/tuples.yaml",
        out_data = outpath + "{src}/{tuple}/{magnet}/2024_data_stripped.root",
        python {input.script} \
        --path {input.in_data} \
        --channel {wildcards.tuple} \
        --tuple_config {params.tuple_config} \
        --source {wildcards.src} \
        --magnet {wildcards.magnet} \
        --outpath {output.out_data} \
        --effpath {params.eff_path} \
        --cuts {input.cuts} \
        --truth_vars {input.truth_vars} \
        --control_vars {input.control_vars} \
        --BDTS_vars {input.BDTS_vars} \
rule truthmatch:
        script = path + "1_prepare_tuples/scripts/",
        in_data = outpath + "simulation/{tuple}/{magnet}/2024_data_stripped.root",
        cuts = path + "1_prepare_tuples/configs/truth-match.yaml",
        cut_vars = path + "1_prepare_tuples/configs/cuts.yaml",
        control_vars = path + "3_control_plots/configs/channels/{tuple}/plots.yaml",
        BDTS_vars = path + "4_BDTS/configs/variables.yaml",
        eff_path = "results/efficiencies.yaml",
        tuple_config = path + "/1_prepare_tuples/configs/tuples.yaml",
        out_data = outpath + "simulation/{tuple}/{magnet}/2024_data_stripped_truth-matched.root",
        python {input.script} \
        --path {input.in_data} \
        --channel {wildcards.tuple} \
        --tuple_config {params.tuple_config} \
        --magnet {wildcards.magnet} \
        --outpath {output.out_data} \
        --effpath {params.eff_path} \
        --cuts {input.cuts} \
        --cut_vars {input.cut_vars} \
        --control_vars {input.control_vars} \
        --BDTS_vars {input.BDTS_vars} \

rule hadd_tuples:
        up = outpath + "{src}/{tuple}/MagUp/2024_data_{mod}.root",
        down = outpath + "{src}/{tuple}/MagDown/2024_data_{mod}.root"
        outpath + "{src}/{tuple}/2024_data_{mod}.root",
        "hadd {output} {input.up} {input.down}"


  • The issue here is that wildcards in Snakemake can match across the whole of the file path, including '/' separators and literal '.' chars, unless you constrain them otherwise. So I think you want:

        src   = "data|simulation",
        tuple = "B[^/.]+",
        mod   = "[^/.]+",

    (Using \w+ to specifically match a sequence of regular alphanumeric characters is often a good option, but it won't match hyphens only underscores.)

    This should eliminate the "wildcard periodically repeated" error which is caused by the fact that your rule hadd_tuples is (unintentionally) recursive. For example when Snakemake tries to make the file:


    It currently matches that to:


    Obviously {tuple=Bs2MuMu/MagUp} is nonsense but without a wildcard constraint Snakemake will make this substitution, and this in turn produces a nonsense input which in turn gets matched to the outputs of the same rule, and so on with the {tuple} wildcard absorbing ever more junk until Snakemake gives up.

    One other point... consider setting:

    workdir: config["userpath"]

    rather than adding outpath + to all your inputs and outputs. For one thing, this makes it much easier to test a rule like hadd_tuples in isolation, as well as making the code more legible.

    Edited to add note:

    From memory, I think using ^ and $ anchors in your wildcard constraints doesn't work because they only match at the beginning/end of the entire filename, not at the start and end of the wildcard. But don't quote me on that I've not tested it!