I have a large payload for a complex (for me :-) JOLT transformation spec that gives empty/null values in the end result. Since the input, spec and output are quite big I have provided pastebin links. Hope this is OK.
Input is: input
JOLT transform spec is: JOLT spec
Result is: output
Part that is not as we want is the pim_network part as shown below (the 2 empty asset_id ones, they are caused by null values after the 4th shift operation):
"pim_network": [
"ifindex": 1,
"ip_address": "",
"ip_subnet": 8,
"description": "lo",
"mac_address": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
"asset_id": ""
"asset_id": ""
"ifindex": 2,
"ip_address": "",
"ip_subnet": 24,
"description": "ens33",
"mac_address": "00:0c:29:02:b8:cd",
"asset_id": ""
"asset_id": ""
"ifindex": 3,
"ip_address": "",
"ip_subnet": 16,
"description": "docker0",
"mac_address": "02:42:36:ae:50:55",
"asset_id": ""
"ifindex": 4,
"ip_address": "",
"ip_subnet": 16,
"description": "br-c75ac7c3061d",
"mac_address": "02:42:aa:97:1e:97",
"asset_id": ""
Expected result is that we only have the 4 valid IPv4 entries in the overall result. Hope somebody can assist.
P.S. I know JSON is not 100% properly visually formatted. Unfortunatelty this is what we get as output from the JOLT demo site.
"asset_id" : ""
won't be generated if this spec is removed[#2]
should be replaced by &3
whenever the
attributes under the pim_network
node are picked. The [#2]
should be applied within the upcoming specAs a result, you might shorten the transformation through use of the folowing one
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": "&",
"pim_network": {
"*": {
"*": "&",
"addresses": {
"*": {
"*": "&4.&1.others.&",
"addr_info": {
"*": {
"*": "&6.&3.&2[&1].&"
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": "&",
"pim_network": {
"*": {
"addr_info": {
"*": {
"@2,others": { "*": "&5.&4_&2.&" },
"*": "&4.&3_&1.&"
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": "&",
"pim_network": {
"*": {
"family": {
"inet": {
"@2,ifindex": "&4.&3.ifindex",
"@2,local": "&4.&3.ip_address",
"@2,prefixlen": "&4.&3.ip_subnet",
"@2,label": "&4.&3.description",
"@2,address": "&4.&3.mac_address"
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": "&",
"pim_hostname": {
"SHORT_HOSTNAME": "hostname"
"pim_distro": {
"PRETTY_NAME": "os_type"
"pim_hardware": {
"processor_count": "cpu_count",
"hw_memory": "memory"
"pim_storage": {
"*": {
"NAME": "&2[&1].drive_name",
"SIZE": "&2[&1].capacity",
"TYPE": "&2[&1].type_enum"
"pim_network": {
"*": {
"*": "&2[#2].&"
"pim_software": {
"*": {
"Name": "&2[&1].name",
"Version": "&2[&1].version"
"pim_services": {
"*": {
"Id": "&2[&1].&",
"Names": "&2[&1].name",
"Description": "&2[&1].friendly_name",
"LoadState": "&2[&1].loadstate",
"ActiveState": "&2[&1].state",
"UnitFileState": "&2[&1].unitfilestate",
"UnitFilePreset": "&2[&1].start_mode"