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Generate workflow in current devops sprint through logic apps

Good afternoon,

I have created a logic app that generates workitem on my devops board everytime a client secret expires. The only part that I do not know how to solve is how to get that workitem or task in my current sprint.

Is there some code I can add, or anything else to make it calculate/generate what the current sprint is.

I've tried looking up on what to do, but couldn't really find anything. I do get it in my workitems overview, but now I just want to have it in my current sprint.


  • Is there some code I can add, or anything else to make it calculate/generate what the current sprint is.

    You can get the current iteration via rest api, $timeframe is set as current:


    In logic app, you can send http request with above rest api url, parse the iteration name to next step for workitem creation.