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ADO YAML Pipelines | How to get secret variable from a variable group based on the value of another variable

In my project, i can get the value of a variable defined inside a variable group like this, without no problem

      - checkout: none
      - bash: |
          echo $(shared-smtp-user)

But then, later in the code, i need to put into files the value of some variables from a variable group, and i do something like this

    # The targetVariables to put inside secrets/, for example
    # targetVariables:
    # - shared-azure-devops-pat
    # - shared-ldap-password
    # - shared-ldap-user
    # - shared-smtp-user
  - name: targetVariables
    type: object

  - job: echo_secret_files
    displayName: 🗣️ Echo secret files
      - checkout: none
      - bash: |
          echo "Echoing targetVariables into secrets/"
          echo "using targetVariables ${{ convertToJson(parameters.targetVariables) }}"
          mkdir -p ./secrets/
          echo $(shared-smtp-user) # THIS WORKS !!!
        displayName: Display information about the secrets being used
      - ${{ each variableName in parameters.targetVariables }}:
          - bash: |
              echo $SECRET_VALUE > ./secrets/${variableName}.txt
              SECRET_VALUE: "$( ${{ variableName }} )" # THIS IS NOT WORKING!!!
            displayName: Generate file for ${{ variableName }}
      - bash: tree secrets/ -a
        displayName: Display the generated secrets

For some weird reason, i cant assing a value to SECRET_VALUE using this syntax "$( ${{ variableName }} )"

What im trying to do, for each item inside parameters.targetVariables, set the value of SECRET_VALUE to $(variableName), and then echo $SECRET_VALUE into a file.

Is there any way i can do $(myVariableNameHere), but without actually hardcoding myVariableNameHere, and instead using the variable from the each loop (called variableName)?


  • As Rui Jarimba's answer, you need to change the env format to ENV_VALUE: $(${{ variableName }}) to get the secret variable in variable group based on parameter value.

    In addition, you need to make the following changes in YAML to achieve your goal.

    1.You need to change the bash script:


    echo $SECRET_VALUE > ./secrets/${variableName}.txt


    echo $SECRET_VALUE > ./secrets/${{variableName}}.txt

    Then it will generate the txt file based on variable name.

    2.You need to change the SECRET Key word in the environment variable in bash task.

    For example:


    Based on my test, if the env variable contains the SECRET Key word, it will return the empty value.

    Here is the full yaml sample:

      vmimage: ubuntu-latest
      - name: targetVariables
        type: object
         - shared-smtp-user
         - shared-ldap-password
    - group:  variablegroupname
      - job: echo_secret_files
        displayName: 🗣️ Echo secret files
          - checkout: none
          - bash: |
              echo "Echoing targetVariables into secrets/"
              echo "using targetVariables ${{ convertToJson(parameters.targetVariables) }}"
              mkdir -p ./secrets/
              echo $(shared-smtp-user)
            displayName: Display information about the secrets being used
          - ${{ each variableName in parameters.targetVariables }}:
              - bash: |
                  echo $MAPPED_VALUE > ./secrets/${{variableName}}.txt
                   MAPPED_VALUE: $(${{ variableName }}) 
                displayName: Generate file for ${{ variableName }}
          - bash: tree secrets/ -a
            displayName: Display the generated secrets


    enter image description here