Specifically using the new enum
keyword provided by Scala 3...
enum Translation(val bit: Byte):
case FlipX extends Translation(1)
case FlipY extends Translation(2)
case RotateClockwise extends Translation(4) //90 degrees
...What are the Scala 3 idiomatic style options to achieve the equivalent of Java's java.util.EnumSet
and java.util.EnumMap
I'm explicitly excluding any Scala 2 style approaches, including Enumeratum (performance consideration).
I think you have mentioned almost all approaches except using Java java.util.EnumSet
and java.util.EnumMap
themselves. New Scala 3 you can easily define enums that are compatible with Java, by extending java.lang.Enum
enum Translation(bit: Byte) extends java.lang.Enum[Translation] {
case FlipX extends Translation(1)
case FlipY extends Translation(2)
case RotateClockwise extends Translation(4) // 90 degrees
object Translation {
val translations = util.EnumSet.of(Translation.FlipX, Translation.RotateClockwise)
But in general, the approaches you mention in the question or simply a set or a map are usually used. Also, helpers defined in the enum itself cover most cases:
Translation.values // all enum values
Translation.fromOrdinal(1) // by byte
Translation.valueOf("FlipX") // by name