In a middleware I'm setting up a condition to access users, being the users to be in the same appartment than the authenticated user. This condition is the following : can(DirectoryAction.VIEW, 'DirectoryUser', { roles: { some: { role: { unitId: CASL_ROLE.unitId } } } }); DirectoryAction is an enum containing actions such as view, delete, or update. DirectoryUser is the name of my user object. CASL_ROLE is the name I gave to the authenticated user's role. Consider unitId to be the appartment ID.
No exception at compilation, typescript error detected in studio code. It's a pure runtime error : --> "equals" does not supports comparison of arrays and objects
Prisma schemas :
model DirectoryUser {
id BigInt @id @default(autoincrement())
userName String @map("user_name")
password String
roles DirectoryRoleUserMapping[]
model DirectoryRoleUserMapping {
id BigInt @id @default(autoincrement())
roleId BigInt @map("role_id")
role DirectoryRole @relation(fields: [roleId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: Cascade)
userId BigInt @map("user_id")
user DirectoryUser @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: Cascade)
@@unique([roleId, userId])
model DirectoryRole {
id BigInt @id @default(autoincrement())
name String
unitId BigInt? @map("unit_id")
unit BmsUnit? @relation(fields: [unitId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: Cascade)
rank BigInt
users DirectoryRoleUserMapping[]
@@unique([name, unitId])
Changind the condition for a less complicated one as (only the condition here) : { roles: { some: { roleId: } } } Does not throw an error anymore, but the condition don't follow anymore the specifications. It seems that anytime I set an object instead of a pair key: value in the "some", this error shows up. f.e., this condition : { roles: { some: { role: { id: } } } } Throws an error, but the condition verifies the same thing as the one just before.
Ask more infos if needed ! Thks a lot for your attention !
Sorry for the delay, the answer to this post is available in the issue linked below. Thks to Stalniy (code owner of CASL) for his quick answer at the time.