I have macros get_date
{% macro get_date() %}
{% if execute %}
{% set p_date = run_query("select max(date) date from table" ).columns[0][0] %}
{% else %}
{% set p_date = '2024-04-01' %}
{% endif %}
{%do return(p_date)%}
{% endmacro %}
I call it in the model and then pass the variable to another macro
{% set my_date = get_date() %}
"{{ insert_table(report_date='" ~ my_date ~ "',pre_hook=True) }}"
code of macro insert_table
{% macro insert_table(report_date,pre_hook=false) %}
{% if execute %}
insert into public.my_table
values ('{{report_date}}',current_timestamp,0)
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
When I run my model sql in marco get_date returns '2024-05-05' in model my_date has value also '2024-05-05' but in macro insert_table gets '2024-04-01' and insert it into the table public.my_table.
I don't understand why macro insert_table its gets '2024-04-01' while it must gets '2024-05-05'. please Can someone explain what happens and what I do wrong ?
I believe the cause is that dbt runs in two passes:
Even though pre_hook executes during the second pass (with execute
variable = True), it looks like it takes other macros values from the first pass. See more details here
A workaround for you is to put get_date()
code into insert_table()
{% macro insert_table(pre_hook=false) %}
{% if execute %}
{% set p_date = run_query("select max(date) date from table" ).columns[0][0] %}
insert into public.my_table
values ('{{p_date}}',current_timestamp,0)
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
from table
, public.my_table
dbt run
(using only view and table materialization). In this scenario, your current problems will be gone most probably