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Error Importrange Goes Horizontal not vertical (Google Sheet)

I Wanna Ask to solve the error when use google sheet importrange formula, the result goes horizontal not vertical.

Below my code =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("1WwKDHs4iovQRDcQGU-5Tf8omCPm3LIFr_XI7x2-A6Ms";"kontrol TA!i22:i");"Select Col1 where Col1 is not Null")

and the result as image

horizonal importrange

Importrange result is vertical, is anyone know to solve ? thanks


  • Set the header to 0.

    =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("1WwKDHs4iovQRDcQGU-5Tf8omCPm3LIFr_XI7x2-A6Ms";"kontrol TA!i22:i");"where Col1 is not Null",0)