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Why do I need an HttpSession to get the ServletContext?

In the Java Servlet API, the only way to get the ServletContext is through an instance of HttpSession (Javadoc).

What if I don't want to create a session and only need the servlet context? In other words, why is there no getServletContext() method in the HttpServletRequest class?


I know I can get the ServletContext from the servlet itself, since it receives it during its initialization. However, I cannot get it from a HttpServletRequest alone, even though it's linked to a servlet. So what if I have a request, but no reference to any servlet?


  • getServletContext() is part of GenericServlet which is the parent class for HttpServlet so you should be able to call it in your servlet implementation.


    HttpServletRequest inherits getServletContext() from ServletRequest since servlet 3.0, so it looks like you will have to pass a context along with the request and response objects if you have to use a version prior to 3.0.