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Ktor error: Neither port nor sslPort specified

So, I've read numerous answers on how to resolve this error, but it doesn't seem to apply to my situation.

This is a ktor application, built with maven.

I'm getting the error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Neither port nor sslPort specified. Use command line options -port/-sslPort or configure connectors in application.conf

First of all, my application runs fine in IntelliJ Ultimate, but fails when I try to run the fatjar on the commandline like this: java -jar target/myApp-jar-with-dependencies.jar

The crux of the matter seems to be that I'm having my configuration in an application.yaml file.

I've included this dependency:


My application structure looks like this:

enter image description here

When I create an application.conf in the same folder it works fine, which indicates that it just does not expect a yaml configuration file, even when I've included the ktor yaml dependency.

Lastly, my maven build segment looks like this:



Any help would be appreciated.


  • Ktor uses the ServiceLoader to load all the available config loaders and then tries to load the default configuration with each. The HoconConfigLoader is defined in the ktor-server-core-jvm module, and the YamlConfigLoader is defined in the ktor-server-config-yaml-jvm module. As far as I understand, the assembly Maven plugin takes the META-INF/services/io.ktor.server.config.ConfigLoader file of the first package containing that file and packages it in the result JAR.

    Since the ktor-server-core-jvm module goes first in the dependencies block in the pom.xml, the plugin packages only a definition of the HoconConfigLoader and ignores the one for YAML. As a result, the application only tries to load the application.conf file, which doesn't exist.

    To solve the problem, switch the order of the dependencies in the pom.xml file:

        <dependency> <!-- To be able to use yaml as server configuration -->
        <!-- Ktor -->
    <!-- ... -->