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I want to know the name of the value for properties[0] in the eventlog

I want to know the name of the value for properties[0] in the eventlog : powershell code

$log = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{
    Logname ='System'
    ProviderName = 'Microsoft-Windows-Power-Troubleshooter'
    id = 1
} -Maxevents 1



  • What does properties[0] mean?
  • How do I know what the value is for?
  • want to get a name for this property value.
  • want to know what the value of properties[0] is for what name.


  • You can use the xml method to see the names:

    $log = Get-WinEvent @{ProviderName = 
      'Microsoft-Windows-Power-Troubleshooter'} -Maxevents 1
    $xml = [xml]$log.toxml()
    Name                     #text
    ----                     -----
    SleepTime                2024-05-12T05:02:03.8933908Z
    WakeTime                 2024-05-12T13:10:24.4362685Z
    SleepDuration            1367
    WakeDuration             936
    DriverInitDuration       185
    BiosInitDuration         1002
    HiberWriteDuration       4767
    HiberReadDuration        0
    HiberPagesWritten        525740
    Attributes               1912623361
    TargetState              4
    EffectiveState           5
    WakeSourceType           5
    WakeSourceTextLength     39
    WakeSourceText           Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (7) I219-V
    WakeTimerOwnerLength     0
    WakeTimerContextLength   0
    NoMultiStageResumeReason 0
    CheckpointDuration       22

    The -listprovider also parameter provides the info:

    get-winevent -ListProvider Microsoft-Windows-Power-Troubleshooter | % events | 
      select -first 1
    Id          : 1
    Version     : 0
    LogLink     : System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogLink
    Level       : System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLevel
    Opcode      : System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventOpcode
    Task        : System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventTask
    Keywords    : {}
    Template    : <template xmlns="">
                    <data name="SleepTime" inType="win:FILETIME" outType="xs:dateTime"/>
                    <data name="WakeTime" inType="win:FILETIME" outType="xs:dateTime"/>
                    <data name="SleepDuration" inType="win:UInt32" outType="xs:unsignedInt"/>
                    <data name="WakeDuration" inType="win:UInt32" outType="xs:unsignedInt"/>
                    <data name="DriverInitDuration" inType="win:UInt32" outType="xs:unsignedInt"/>
                    <data name="BiosInitDuration" inType="win:UInt32" outType="xs:unsignedInt"/>
                    <data name="HiberWriteDuration" inType="win:UInt32" outType="xs:unsignedInt"/>
                    <data name="HiberReadDuration" inType="win:UInt32" outType="xs:unsignedInt"/>
                    <data name="HiberPagesWritten" inType="win:UInt32" outType="xs:unsignedInt"/>
                    <data name="Attributes" inType="win:UInt32" outType="win:HexInt32"/>
                    <data name="TargetState" inType="win:UInt32" outType="xs:unsignedInt"/>
                    <data name="EffectiveState" inType="win:UInt32" outType="xs:unsignedInt"/>
                    <data name="WakeSourceType" inType="win:UInt32" outType="xs:unsignedInt"/>
                    <data name="WakeSourceTextLength" inType="win:UInt16" outType="xs:unsignedShort"/>
                    <data name="WakeSourceText" inType="win:UnicodeString" outType="xs:string"
    Description : The system has returned from a low power state.
                  Sleep Time: %1
                  Wake Time: %2
                  Wake Source: %13%15