Is it possible to extract an Object out of a Function with JavaScript?
The function I received inside of an Object:
function item(){ let product = { name: name, price: price } }
I want to extract the Object: product out of that function. Caveat: The function may not be changed.
EDIT: Solved. I went on by parsing the function, and creating an array out of the object:
let text ="function item(){ let product = { name: name, price: price }}";
function toArray(x) {
if(x.match('function')) {
let arr = [];
let z = x.split(/{/gm)
for(let i = 0; i< z.length;i++) {
if(z[i].match(':')) {
let parsed = z[i].replaceAll('}','').replace(/\s/g,'')
let finals = parsed.split(',')
for(let j=0;j<finals.length;j++) {
return arr;
I guess the only way is to eval the function's body:
const name = 'name', price = 3;
function item(){ let product = { name: name, price: price } }
const src = item.toString().match(/(?<=[^{]+\{).+(?=\})/)[0];
console.log(eval(src + ';product'));