Look at the following method
def toOption[T <: AnyRef](value: T | Null): Option[T] =
value match {
case null => None
case content: T => Some(content)
If you inspect the content
pattern variable, the type is T | T & Null
, which I guess is the result of the the intersection of the type of the scrutinee value: T | Null
and the type of the matched pattern element: T
What calls my attention is the second operand of the |
operator. Shouldn't the T & Null
part be simplified to Null
by the compiler when T<:AnyRef
leaving T | Null
as the type of content
? What is the difference between the types Null
and T & Null
If the definition of the intersection A & B
was that it represents values that are members of both A
and B
included null
then the set of values that are members of both T
and Null
would contain only the null
did not include the null
then the set of values that are members of both T
and Null
would be empty (Nothing
).Therefore, T & Null
= Null | Nothing
= Null
when T <: AnyRef
If the definition of the intersection A & B
was that a value conforms to A & B
implies that it conforms to both A
and B
conforms to T
then only null
would conform to both T
and Null
does not conform to T
then no value would conform to both T
and Null
.Therefore T & Null
= Null | Nothing
= Null
when T <: AnyRef
Am I missing something or the compiler has a bug?
Edit: I forgot to mention that I was using intelliJ for the inspection. Later, to confirm, I used a macro to display which is the type of content
according to the compiler, and the result was T
. Very different from what the intelliJ inspection shows.
I was blaming the compiler for a bug of the intelliJ inspector. Sorry.
Here is the macro:
inline def typeOf[A](a: A): String = ${typeOfMacro[A]('{a})}
def typeOfMacro[A : Type](a: Expr[A])(using q: Quotes): Expr[String] =
Anyway, the scala REPL is not simplifying A & Null
to Null
when A <: AnyRef
scala> val text: String & Null = null
val text: String & Null = null
So the question still prevails.
Curiously REPL also does not simplify A & Nothing
to Nothing
Edit 2: According to type theory there is no type X
such that A & X
is the same to X
for any A
. So the simplification I expected would be incorrect. REPL is giving the correct type. So the answer to my question is yes, I was missing something.
Quite a lot of questions, so I'll start from basics.
Scala is based on DOT calculus. In Scala every type T
is a type segment [Lower, Upper]
. Scala types is a lattice (with respect to <:
, &
, |
): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lattice_(order)
T <: AnyRef
doesn't imply T >: Null
, nor vice versa.
T <: AnyRef
means the type segment [Nothing, AnyRef]
. T >: Null
means [Null, Any]
(Nothing <: AnyVal <: Any
, Nothing <: Null <: AnyRef <: Any
, Nothing != Null != AnyRef != AnyVal != Any
is the supertype of all reference types. Null
is the subtype of all reference types. Null
is inhabited only by null
is the subtype of all types (including Null
: Nothing <: Null
, Nothing != Null
). It's inhabited by no (normal) values. But being uninhabited by (normal) values doesn't mean that Nothing
is uninhabited by anything at all. There are terms of this type: t: Nothing
, there are abstract types/type parameters intersecting with this type: T >: Nothing
(and in type-level programming types are more important, values, whether they exist or not, are less important), there are not so normal values (divergences, bottom values) like
def infiniteRecursion(): Nothing = infiniteRecursion()
def throwException(): Nothing = throw new RuntimeException("error")
def foo[T <: AnyRef](t: => T): Unit = ()
foo[Nothing](infiniteRecursion()) // compiles, runs, successfully finishes
foo[Nothing](throwException()) // compiles, runs, successfully finishes
def foo[T <: AnyRef](t: T): Unit = ()
foo[Nothing](infiniteRecursion()) // compiles, runs forever
foo[Nothing](throwException()) // compiles, runs, throws exception
If T <: AnyRef
implied T >: Null
, then foo[Nothing](infiniteRecursion())
, foo[Nothing](throwException())
wouldn't compile.
If you want both T <: AnyRef
and T >: Null
then just specify both type bounds:
def foo[T >: Null <: AnyRef] = ...
Shouldn't the
T & Null
part be simplified toNull
by the compiler whenT <: AnyRef
No, it shouldn't. It should when T >: Null
(including T >: Null <: AnyRef
What is the difference between the types
andT & Null
If T = Nothing
then T & Null = Nothing & Null = Nothing != Null
. If T >: Null
then T & Null = Null
. If T <: Null
(i.e. T
belongs to the segment [Nothing, Null]
) then T & Null = T
. If T
is just some type then T & Null
is just some type <: T
and <: Null
(actually, the maximal such type), generally different from T
and Null
If the definition of the intersection ...
- if the values...
- if the values...
I guess we already discussed a year ago that types are not sets (of values):
Why does a self annotated trait is not assignable to the type of self?
If two types have equal sets of values of these types, this doesn't make types equal.
For example below types Nat
, Succ[N]
, _0
, _1
, _2
, ... are abstract and have no values. But they are quite different types. If types were sets then all these types Nat
, Succ[N]
, _0
, _1
, _2
, ... would be the same set (namely, the empty set).
type Nat
type _0 <: Nat
type Succ[N <: Nat] <: Nat
trait Add[N <: Nat, M <: Nat] {
type Out <: Nat
object Add {
type Aux[N <: Nat, M <: Nat, Out0 <: Nat] = Add[N, M] { type Out = Out0 }
implicit def zeroAdd[M <: Nat]: Aux[_0, M, M] = null
implicit def succAdd[N <: Nat, M <: Nat](implicit
add: Add[N, M]
): Aux[Succ[N], M, Succ[add.Out]] = null
type _1 = Succ[_0]
type _2 = Succ[_1]
type _3 = Succ[_2]
type _4 = Succ[_3]
type _5 = Succ[_4]
implicitly[Add.Aux[_2, _3, _5]] // compiles
trait ToInt[N <: Nat] {
def apply(): Int
object ToInt {
implicit val zeroToInt: ToInt[_0] = () => 0
implicit def succToInt[N <: Nat](implicit toInt: ToInt[N]): ToInt[Succ[N]] =
() => toInt() + 1
trait AddToInt[N <: Nat, M <: Nat] {
def apply(): Int
object AddToInt {
implicit def mkAddToInt[N <: Nat, M <: Nat, Sum <: Nat](implicit
add: Add.Aux[N, M, Sum],
toInt: ToInt[Sum]
): AddToInt[N, M] = () => toInt()
def addToInt[N <: Nat, M <: Nat](implicit addToInt: AddToInt[N, M]): Int =
addToInt[_2, _3] // 5
According to type theory there is no type
such thatA & X
is the same toX
for anyA
Actually, in Scala type system X
is Nothing