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Code and compile C when the office blocks Visual studio

Hi there I'm an amateur / beginner coder and occasionally do some C coding in office at lunch break.

Unfortunately they're now blocking visual studio (probably through the firewall) - is there any other editor/compiler/coding environment I can use instead that does not require any install?


I tried a few standalone tools that I found pretty crappy. I tried some apps on iPhone but realized it's not realistic either.


  • I suggest you use an online compiler such as Programiz or OnlineGDB for your experimentation, unless these also are blocked by your firewall. It means not needing to install anything, and you can do everything from editing and compiling through to testing, with minimal effort.

    Just remember to save your programs locally, if you want to keep them for later, after you've closed your editor tabs or Microsoft has seen fit to reboot your machine for you.