I have the following grasp simulation in Drake C++ with a Robotiq-140 gripper on a irregular mesh (which is derived from the robotiq.cc code mentioned in Issue 19842 ):
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/parser.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/package_map.h"
#include "drake/multibody/plant/multibody_plant.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/collision_filter_groups.h"
#include "drake/systems/analysis/simulator.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/diagram_builder.h"
#include "drake/systems/primitives/constant_vector_source.h"
#include "drake/visualization/visualization_config_functions.h"
#include "drake/multibody/plant/discrete_contact_pair.h"
namespace drake {
namespace examples {
namespace simple_gripper {
namespace {
int do_main() {
auto meshcat = std::make_shared<geometry::Meshcat>();
systems::DiagramBuilder<double> builder;
auto [plant, scene_graph] =
multibody::AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(&builder, 0.002);
plant.set_discrete_contact_approximation( drake::multibody::DiscreteContactApproximation::kLagged);
multibody::Parser parser(&plant);
multibody::PackageMap::RemoteParams params;
params.urls = {"https://github.com/RussTedrake/kinova-movo/archive/"
params.sha256 =
params.strip_prefix = "kinova-movo-d94d1d7da7ff8fc71f2439bb0a8989f1e6fd79b4";
parser.package_map().AddRemote("kinova-movo", params);
parser.package_map().GetPath("kinova-movo") +
std::string with_mimic = R"""(
- add_model:
name: spam
file: package://drake/examples/simple_gripper/mesh.sdf
default_free_body_pose: { base_link: {
translation: [0.2, 0.05, 0.00],
rotation: !Rpy { deg: [90.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]}
} }
- add_model:
name: table
file: package://drake/examples/kuka_iiwa_arm/models/table/extra_heavy_duty_table_surface_only_collision.sdf
- add_weld:
parent: world
child: table::table_link
translation: [0.0, 0.0, -0.81]
parser.AddModelsFromString(with_mimic, "dmd.yaml");
math::RigidTransformd(math::RollPitchYawd(M_PI , 0, M_PI),
Eigen::Vector3d(0.2, 0, 0.21)));
auto torque = builder.AddSystem<systems::ConstantVectorSource>(Vector1d(2));
builder.Connect(torque->get_output_port(), plant.get_actuation_input_port());
visualization::AddDefaultVisualization(&builder, meshcat);
auto diagram = builder.Build();
// Set up simulator.
systems::Simulator simulator(*diagram);
meshcat->StartRecording(32.0, false);
// Pause so that you can see the meshcat output.
std::cout << "[Press Ctrl-C to finish]." << std::endl;
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
return 0;
} // namespace
} // namespace simple_gripper
} // namespace examples
} // namespace drake
int main(int, char*[]) {
return drake::examples::simple_gripper::do_main();
It produces the following contact forces:
How do I get the two long red (translational) contact forces and their starting points in the picture?
One way of doing this is to add the following to your code.
const auto& final_context = simulator.get_context();
const auto& plant_context = diagram->GetSubsystemContext(plant, final_context);
const ContactResults<double>& contact_results =
std::cout << "Contact forces and centroids at the end of the simulation:" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < contact_results.num_hydroelastic_contacts(); ++i) {
const HydroelasticContactInfo<double>& info =
const Vector3d& F_Ac_W = info.F_Ac_W().translational();
const Vector3d& p_WC = info.contact_surface().centroid();
std::cout << "Contact " << i << ":" << std::endl;
//Force applied on body A, at the centroid point C, expressed in the world frame W
std::cout << " F_Ac_W: [" << F_Ac_W.x() << ", " << F_Ac_W.y() << ", " << F_Ac_W.z() << "]" << std::endl;
//position p_WC of the centroid point C in the world frame W
std::cout << " p_WC: [" << p_WC.x() << ", " << p_WC.y() << ", " << p_WC.z() << "]" << std::endl;
(more info about this can be found here: https://drake.mit.edu/doxygen_cxx/classdrake_1_1multibody_1_1_multibody_plant.html https://drake.mit.edu/doxygen_cxx/classdrake_1_1multibody_1_1_contact_results.html https://drake.mit.edu/doxygen_cxx/classdrake_1_1multibody_1_1_hydroelastic_contact_info.html )
You can print out the values of the contact forces at the end of the simulation. The whole code is then:
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/parser.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/package_map.h"
#include "drake/multibody/plant/multibody_plant.h"
#include "drake/multibody/parsing/collision_filter_groups.h"
#include "drake/systems/analysis/simulator.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/diagram_builder.h"
#include "drake/systems/primitives/constant_vector_source.h"
#include "drake/visualization/visualization_config_functions.h"
#include "drake/multibody/plant/discrete_contact_pair.h"
#include "drake/multibody/plant/contact_results.h"
namespace drake {
namespace examples {
namespace simple_gripper {
using Eigen::Vector3d;
using multibody::ContactResults;
using multibody::HydroelasticContactInfo;
namespace {
int do_main() {
auto meshcat = std::make_shared<geometry::Meshcat>();
systems::DiagramBuilder<double> builder;
auto [plant, scene_graph] =
multibody::AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(&builder, 0.002);
plant.set_discrete_contact_approximation( drake::multibody::DiscreteContactApproximation::kLagged);
multibody::Parser parser(&plant);
multibody::PackageMap::RemoteParams params;
params.urls = {"https://github.com/RussTedrake/kinova-movo/archive/"
params.sha256 =
params.strip_prefix = "kinova-movo-d94d1d7da7ff8fc71f2439bb0a8989f1e6fd79b4";
parser.package_map().AddRemote("kinova-movo", params);
parser.package_map().GetPath("kinova-movo") +
std::string with_mimic = R"""(
- add_model:
name: spam
file: package://drake/examples/simple_gripper/mesh.sdf
default_free_body_pose: { base_link: {
translation: [0.2, 0.05, 0.00],
rotation: !Rpy { deg: [90.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]}
} }
- add_model:
name: table
file: package://drake/examples/kuka_iiwa_arm/models/table/extra_heavy_duty_table_surface_only_collision.sdf
- add_weld:
parent: world
child: table::table_link
translation: [0.0, 0.0, -0.81]
parser.AddModelsFromString(with_mimic, "dmd.yaml");
math::RigidTransformd(math::RollPitchYawd(M_PI , 0, M_PI),
Eigen::Vector3d(0.2, 0, 0.21)));
auto torque = builder.AddSystem<systems::ConstantVectorSource>(Vector1d(2));
builder.Connect(torque->get_output_port(), plant.get_actuation_input_port());
visualization::AddDefaultVisualization(&builder, meshcat);
auto diagram = builder.Build();
// Set up simulator.
systems::Simulator simulator(*diagram);
meshcat->StartRecording(32.0, false);
const auto& final_context = simulator.get_context();
const auto& plant_context = diagram->GetSubsystemContext(plant, final_context);
const ContactResults<double>& contact_results =
std::cout << "Contact forces and centroids at the end of the simulation:" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < contact_results.num_hydroelastic_contacts(); ++i) {
const HydroelasticContactInfo<double>& info =
const Vector3d& F_Ac_W = info.F_Ac_W().translational();
const Vector3d& p_WC = info.contact_surface().centroid();
std::cout << "Contact " << i << ":" << std::endl;
//Force applied on body A, at the centroid point C, expressed in the world frame W
std::cout << " F_Ac_W: [" << F_Ac_W.x() << ", " << F_Ac_W.y() << ", " << F_Ac_W.z() << "]" << std::endl;
//position p_WC of the centroid point C in the world frame W
std::cout << " p_WC: [" << p_WC.x() << ", " << p_WC.y() << ", " << p_WC.z() << "]" << std::endl;
// Pause so that you can see the meshcat output.
std::cout << "[Press Ctrl-C to finish]." << std::endl;
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
return 0;
} // namespace
} // namespace simple_gripper
} // namespace examples
} // namespace drake
int main(int, char*[]) {
return drake::examples::simple_gripper::do_main();
The output would look like this:
Contact forces and centroids at the end of the simulation:
Contact 0:
F_Ac_W: [0.000115463, -0.0332584, 2.36681]
p_WC: [0.22126, 0.0196855, -0.0459446]
Contact 1:
F_Ac_W: [-0.0887268, 10.3418, -0.539927]
p_WC: [0.201652, -0.0288424, -0.0140817]
Contact 2:
F_Ac_W: [0.0886113, -10.3086, -1.33639]
p_WC: [0.200856, 0.0288451, -0.0139309]
git clone -b VanillaDrakeWithIssue19842Mods https://github.com/hedaniel7/drake.git
cd drake
git checkout aabad5f8c1599d8507331e668c634e5666466cda
bazel build //examples/simple_gripper:robotiq_140_shape_completion_get_contact_forces
bazel run //examples/simple_gripper:robotiq_140_shape_completion_get_contact_forces