I am trying to loop through pitchers' game logs on www.statmuse.com. The main issue is that, since I am trying to do this on a loop, part of the URL is currently unknown.
For example, looking at Martín Pérez's 2024 game logs, the URL is: https://www.statmuse.com/mlb/player/martin-perez-46483/game-log
now while trying to loop through different pitchers, this 5-digit number sequence (46483 in my example) is variable and changes between each pitcher's game log.
I have put together the below code. The issue, of course, is looping through 10000 and 99999 in attempt to find the correct 5-digit number sequence, which is causing my excel to crash and not respond. Can anyone please advise a more efficient way to achieve this? I apologize, this is my first project with HTTP Requests and anything of the like, so I am sure the code is a bloody mess.
Dim ws As Worksheet, PLws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set PLws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Pitcher List T")
Set rng = PLws.Range("B1:B1")
For Each cc In rng
Dim httpRequest As MSXML2.XMLHTTP60: Set httpRequest = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
Dim htmldoc As HTMLDocument: Set htmldoc = New HTMLDocument
playerName = CStr(cc.Value)
Dim baseURL As String
baseURL = "https://www.statmuse.com/mlb/player/" & playerName & "-"
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim startNumber As Long
Dim endNumber As Long
startNumber = 10000 ' this loop is the issue (i think)
endNumber = 99999 ' this loop is the issue (i think)
Dim i As Long, target As Long
For i = startNumber To endNumber ' this loop is the issue (i think)
Dim url As String
url = baseURL & CStr(i) & "/game-log"
If CheckUrlExists(url) Then
target = i
Debug.Print "the target i is: " & target
End If
Next i
Dim Murl As String
Murl = baseURL & target & "/game-log"
httpRequest.Open "GET", Murl, False
htmldoc.body.innerHTML = httpRequest.responseText
this is the function:
Public Function CheckUrlExists(url) As Boolean
On Error GoTo CheckUrlExists_Error
Dim xmlhttp As MSXML2.XMLHTTP60: Set xmlhttp = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
Dim htmldoc As HTMLDocument: Set htmldoc = New HTMLDocument
Dim H2el As Object
xmlhttp.Open "GET", url, False
htmldoc.body.innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText
If xmlhttp.Status = 200 Then
For Each H2el In htmldoc.getElementsByTagName("h2")
If InStr(1, ChangeAccent(H2el.innerText), CStr(cc.Offset(0, -1).Value)) > 0 Then
CheckUrlExists = True
End If
Next H2el
CheckUrlExists = False
End If
Exit Function
CheckUrlExists = False
End Function
thank you
Just get the URL directly with:
Function GetPlayerLogURLs(ByRef playerName As Variant) As Collection
Dim httpRequest As MSXML2.XMLHTTP60: Set httpRequest = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
Const baseURL As String = "https://www.statmuse.com"
httpRequest.Open "POST", baseURL & "/ask", False
httpRequest.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
httpRequest.send "question%5Bquery%5D=" _
& LCase$(Replace(playerName, " ", "+")) _
& "&question%5Bpreferred_domain%5D=&question%5Bconversation_token%5D="
Dim response As String: response = httpRequest.responseText
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim res As New Collection
Dim temp As String
i = InStr(1, response, "/game-log""")
If i = 0 Then
i = InStr(1, response, """/mlb/player/")
On Error Resume Next
Do While i > 0
j = InStr(i + 1, response, """")
If j > 0 Then
temp = baseURL & Mid$(response, i + 1, j - i - 1) & "/game-log"
res.Add temp, temp
End If
i = InStr(j + 1, response, """/mlb/player/")
On Error GoTo 0
j = InStrRev(response, """", i)
If j > 0 Then res.Add baseURL & Mid$(response, j + 1, i - j + 8)
End If
Set GetPlayerLogURLs = res
End Function
and then just use it like this:
Sub TestPlayerURLs()
Dim v As Variant
Dim w As Variant
Dim coll As Collection
For Each v In Array("Martin Perez", "Derrick White", "Logan Allen", "This name doesn't exist")
Debug.Print "Player name: " & v
Set coll = GetPlayerLogURLs(v)
Debug.Print "Results found: " & coll.Count
For Each w In coll
Debug.Print w
Next w
Next v
End Sub