The following code allows the user to delete TextBoxes from a named chart.
To select a chart, the user has to enter the chart name in the macro.
In this example, the name is "Chart xyz".
How do you build the code, so that the user can simply select a chart by clicking on it?
Sub DeleteTextBoxesFromASelectedChart()
Dim ChrtObj As ChartObject
On Error Resume Next
Set ChrtObj = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart xyz")
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
How do you say Set ChrtObj = ActiveChart
Avoid using "On Error Resume Next" unless you are certain that a specific error is being intentionally ignored.
User may select Chart and shape. eg.
Sub DelTextBoxesOnChart()
Dim bSelChart As Boolean
If Not ActiveChart Is Nothing Then
If ActiveChart.Shapes.Count > 0 Then
End If
Select Case TypeName(Selection)
Case "DrawingObjects"
Dim s
For Each s In Selection
If TypeName(s) = "ChartObject" Then
bSelChart = True
If s.Chart.Shapes.Count > 0 Then
End If
End If
Case Else
bSelChart = False
End Select
If Not bSelChart Then MsgBox "Please select a Chart"
End If
End Sub