Search code examples

Inner join in exposed SQL

I have table which has trains current location and another table which station details

object Train:Table("Train"){
    val numb = integer("no")
    val name= varchar("name", length = 40)
    val cStnCode =varchar("cSC", length = 10).references(Stations.code)
    val delay = integer("dly")
    val srcCode = varchar("sC", length = 10).references(Stations.code)
    val destCode = varchar("dC", length = 10).references(Stations.code)
     val startDay = varchar("sD", length = 12)
     override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(numb, startDay)
object Stations:Table("Stations"){
    val name= varchar("name", length = 50)
    val code= varchar("code", length = 20)
    override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(code)

How could I get station name corresponding to code. query i wrote is giving error: there is multiple primary key - foreign key references.

db.dbQuery {
            (Train innerJoin Stations)
                .select {
                (Train.cStnCode eq Stations.code)
                        (Train.srcCode eq Stations.code) and
                        (Train.destCode eq Stations.code)
            .map {row->
                no = row[Train.numb],
                na = row[],
                cStC = row[Train.cStnCode],
                cStN = row[], // Station name from join
                dly = row[Train.delay],
                sC = row[Train.srcCode],
                sN = "row[]", // Station name from join
                dC = row[Train.destCode],
                dN = "row[]", // Station name from join

If i am removing references then I get only one station name, where refernce is. How can i get all three station names from Station table


  • You can use Aliases so that each join treats stations independently

    • Define alias for stations for each reference in train
    • Join train with alias based on foreign key relationship
    • retrieve all relevent fields from train and each aliased stations

    for each row in the result [we can put it in an instance of trainclass]

    object Train : Table("Train") {
        val numb = integer("no")
        val name = varchar("name", length = 40)
        val cStnCode = varchar("cSC", length = 10).references(Stations.code)
        val delay = integer("dly")
        val srcCode = varchar("sC", length = 10).references(Stations.code)
        val destCode = varchar("dC", length = 10).references(Stations.code)
        val startDay = varchar("sD", length = 12)
        override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(numb, startDay)
    object Stations : Table("Stations") {
        val name = varchar("name", length = 50)
        val code = varchar("code", length = 20)
        override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(code)
    // Data for train details
    data class TrainClass(
        val no: Int,
        val na: String,
        val cStC: String,
        val cStN: String,
        val dly: Int,
        val sC: String,
        val sN: String,
        val dC: String,
        val dN: String
    fun fetchTrainsWithStations() {
        transaction {
            // Alias for each foreign key relationship
            val currentStation = Stations.alias("currentStation")
            val sourceStation = Stations.alias("sourceStation")
            val destinationStation = Stations.alias("destinationStation")
            val query = Train.join(currentStation, JoinType.INNER, additionalConstraint = { Train.cStnCode eq currentStation[Stations.code] })
                .join(sourceStation, JoinType.INNER, additionalConstraint = { Train.srcCode eq sourceStation[Stations.code] })
                .join(destinationStation, JoinType.INNER, additionalConstraint = { Train.destCode eq destinationStation[Stations.code] })
            val result = { row ->
                    no = row[Train.numb],
                    na = row[],
                    cStC = row[Train.cStnCode],
                    cStN = row[currentStation[]], // Current station name from join
                    dly = row[Train.delay],
                    sC = row[Train.srcCode],
                    sN = row[sourceStation[]], // Source station name from join
                    dC = row[Train.destCode],
                    dN = row[destinationStation[]] // Destination station name from join