I have table which has trains current location and another table which station details
object Train:Table("Train"){
val numb = integer("no")
val name= varchar("name", length = 40)
val cStnCode =varchar("cSC", length = 10).references(Stations.code)
val delay = integer("dly")
val srcCode = varchar("sC", length = 10).references(Stations.code)
val destCode = varchar("dC", length = 10).references(Stations.code)
val startDay = varchar("sD", length = 12)
override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(numb, startDay)
object Stations:Table("Stations"){
val name= varchar("name", length = 50)
val code= varchar("code", length = 20)
override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(code)
How could I get station name corresponding to code. query i wrote is giving error: there is multiple primary key - foreign key references.
db.dbQuery {
(Train innerJoin Stations)
.select {
(Train.cStnCode eq Stations.code)
(Train.srcCode eq Stations.code) and
(Train.destCode eq Stations.code)
.map {row->
no = row[Train.numb],
na = row[Train.name],
cStC = row[Train.cStnCode],
cStN = row[Stations.name], // Station name from join
dly = row[Train.delay],
sC = row[Train.srcCode],
sN = "row[Stations.name]", // Station name from join
dC = row[Train.destCode],
dN = "row[Stations.name]", // Station name from join
If i am removing references then I get only one station name, where refernce is. How can i get all three station names from Station table
You can use Aliases so that each join treats stations
for each reference in train
and each aliased stations
for each row in the result [we can put it in an instance of trainclass
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.*
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.transaction
object Train : Table("Train") {
val numb = integer("no")
val name = varchar("name", length = 40)
val cStnCode = varchar("cSC", length = 10).references(Stations.code)
val delay = integer("dly")
val srcCode = varchar("sC", length = 10).references(Stations.code)
val destCode = varchar("dC", length = 10).references(Stations.code)
val startDay = varchar("sD", length = 12)
override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(numb, startDay)
object Stations : Table("Stations") {
val name = varchar("name", length = 50)
val code = varchar("code", length = 20)
override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(code)
// Data for train details
data class TrainClass(
val no: Int,
val na: String,
val cStC: String,
val cStN: String,
val dly: Int,
val sC: String,
val sN: String,
val dC: String,
val dN: String
fun fetchTrainsWithStations() {
transaction {
// Alias for each foreign key relationship
val currentStation = Stations.alias("currentStation")
val sourceStation = Stations.alias("sourceStation")
val destinationStation = Stations.alias("destinationStation")
val query = Train.join(currentStation, JoinType.INNER, additionalConstraint = { Train.cStnCode eq currentStation[Stations.code] })
.join(sourceStation, JoinType.INNER, additionalConstraint = { Train.srcCode eq sourceStation[Stations.code] })
.join(destinationStation, JoinType.INNER, additionalConstraint = { Train.destCode eq destinationStation[Stations.code] })
val result = query.map { row ->
no = row[Train.numb],
na = row[Train.name],
cStC = row[Train.cStnCode],
cStN = row[currentStation[Stations.name]], // Current station name from join
dly = row[Train.delay],
sC = row[Train.srcCode],
sN = row[sourceStation[Stations.name]], // Source station name from join
dC = row[Train.destCode],
dN = row[destinationStation[Stations.name]] // Destination station name from join