Does there are any solutions that I can use to collect resources for Operators, Helm Charts, CRD hierarchies and CD configurations via otel collector? All of them are not build-in resources for Kubernetes but kind of CRD resource, does there are any option that I can collect those info via otel? Thanks
Want to get some solution to collect above kubernetes CRD resources via otel
The k8sobjectreceiver in the collector may do what you want here [0]. It can be used to pull kubernetes manifests based on its configuration:
auth_type: serviceAccount
- name: <resource-name>
group: <resource-group>
mode: pull
label_selector: environment in (production),tier in (frontend)
field_selector: status.phase=Running
interval: 15m
You should be able to use this by specifying the resource name and group to pull down. You would then use this receiver in a logs pipeline.