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Getting error "AZUREKEYVAULT not found" while trying to sign the jar using jarsigner with Azure Key Vault Java 17/21

I have followed the documentation and ran the command to sign the jar using the jarsigner with Azure Key Vault certificate combination but getting the below error.

jarsigner error: java.lang.RuntimeException: unable to instantiate keystore class: AZUREKEYVAULT not found java.lang.RuntimeException: unable to instantiate keystore class: AZUREKEYVAULT not found at jdk.jartool/ at jdk.jartool/ at jdk.jartool/

I ran below command but getting the error "AZUREKEYVAULT not found". Tried many combination but not able to succeed.

jarsigner -keystore NONE -storetype AzureKeyVault \
          -sigalg SHA512withRSA \
          -signedjar /root/signed.jar /root/naveen.jar "jarsign" \
          -storepass '12345' \
          -providerPath /root/azure-security-keyvault-jca-2.8.1.jar \
          -providerName AzureKeyVault \
          -providerClass \
          -J--module-path="/root/azure-security-keyvault-jca-2.8.1.jar" \
          -J--add-modules="" \
          -J-Dazure.keyvault.uri=  \
          -J-Dazure.keyvault.tenant-id=xxxxx \
          -J-Dazure.keyvault.client-id=Jxxxxx \
          -J-Dazure.keyvault.client-secret=xxxx \
Command line args: [-keystore, NONE, -storetype, AzureKeyVault, -sigalg, SHA512withRSA, -signedjar, /root/signed.jar, /root/naveen.jar, jarsign, -storepass, 12345, -providerPath, /root/ttt.jar, -providerName, AzureKeyVault, -providerClass,, -debug]
May 03, 2024 11:33:21 PM <init>
INFO: Using Azure Key Vault:
May 03, 2024 11:33:21 PM getAccessToken
INFO: Getting access token using client ID / client secret
May 03, 2024 11:33:21 PM <init>
INFO: Using Azure Key Vault:
May 03, 2024 11:33:21 PM getAccessToken
INFO: Getting access token using client ID / client secret
May 03, 2024 11:33:21 PM <init>
INFO: Using Azure Key Vault:
May 03, 2024 11:33:21 PM getAccessToken
INFO: Getting access token using client ID / client secret
jarsigner error: java.lang.RuntimeException: unable to instantiate keystore class: AZUREKEYVAULT not found
java.lang.RuntimeException: unable to instantiate keystore class: AZUREKEYVAULT not found
        at jdk.jartool/
        at jdk.jartool/
        at jdk.jartool/


    • Check if the Azure Key Vault JCA provider jar file is present in the correct location.
    • Run the command to check the classpath using the environment variable.
        echo $CLASSPATH
    • Validate if the Azure Key Vault JCA provider jar file is available in one of the directories mentioned in the classpath.

    • Delete the existing Azure Key Vault JCA provider jar file and download it again and move it to the location based on the Java Version.

    • The providerName should be "AzureKeyVault" and the providerClass should be "" and pointing to the correct location of the Azure Key Vault JCA provider jar file.

    • The keystore type should set to AzureKeyVault and the password is correct.

    • Validate the Azure Key Vault URI, tenant ID, client ID, and client secret using in the command are correct and available.

    • Sign in to the Azure CLI and run the commands again or create the resources manually and use the values directly in the command.

    • Run the below commands to validate the Azure Key Vault JCA provide:
    keytool -list -keystore NONE -storetype AzureKeyVault -storepass "" -providerName AzureKeyVault -providerClass -J--module-path="<JAVA_HOME>\azure-security-keyvault-jca-2.8.1.jar" -J--add-modules="" -J-Dazure.keyvault.uri= -J-Dazure.keyvault.tenant-id=<tenant_id> -J-Dazure.keyvault.client-id=<client_id> -J-Dazure.keyvault.client-secret=<client_secret>

    enter image description here

    • Use the below command to signin with jarsignal:
    jarsigner   -keystore NONE -storetype AzureKeyVault -signedjar signerjar.jar "<jarfile.jar>" "mycert1.cert" -verbose  -storepass "" -providerName AzureKeyVault -providerClass -J--module-path="<JAVA_HOME>\azure-security-keyvault-jca-2.8.1.jar" -J--add-modules="" -J-Dazure.keyvault.uri= J-Dazure.keyvault.tenant-id=<tenant_id> -J-Dazure.keyvault.client-id=<client_id> -J-Dazure.keyvault.client-secret=<client_secret>