I am an experienced SSIS-developer, but brand new to Kingswaysoft Json Source Editor (and all other Kingswaysoft SSIS-stuff!)
I have several hundreds API sources which are build very similar:
"values": {
"XXX": {
"a": {
"2000": -0.26,
"2001": -0.146,
"2002": -0.112,
"2003": -0.131,
"2004": -0.042,
"2005": -0.126,
"2006": -0.085,
"2007": -0.061
"b": {
"2000": 1.26,
"2001": 1.146,
"2002": 1.112,
"2003": 1.131,
"2004": 1.042,
"2005": 1.126,
"2006": 1.085,
"2007": 1.061
The only difference is the XXX (line 3 - called Indicators) which is unique in each api's.
I know how I can loop all the Indicators in one SSIS-package and now I want to call another package with the Indicator as a parameter.
As I see it, I need this value, as my Node Name apparently must be the same in the Document Designer:
Is there a way where I can dynamically change the XXX value in the Document Designer? Or is it possible somehow to add a "catch-all" name?
Thank you to KingswaySoft for reaching out. And you gave me another idea which works in order to solve this specific case!
I have changed my flow a little: First I have added a variable: json_txt (type string). Then on the Control Flow, I have added a HTTP Requester Task, which simply loads my json into my json_txt variable. I am so lucky, that my indicator is also the Relative Path, so I can use an Expression to set the Relative Path = my Indicator.
Then entering a Data Flow: I start with a simple SQL selection (SELECT 1 AS dummy) as I need some type of source. This is really just ignored afterwards! Then I add a derived column, where i add the column json and it is derived from this formula:
(DT_NTEXT)REPLACE(@[User::json_txt], @[$Package::Indicator] ,"input")
After my Derived column, I use the JSON Extract which can take a column as input. I point it to my json column. And now I know that the Indicator has been replaced and is always called input!
The Control Flow
The Data Flow
Works like a charm!