So my goal is to write the method that solves a sudoku puzzle, we were given the method stub "public int[][] solve(int[][] board)". We are supposed to use arc consistency and domain splitting to find the solution.
-The way I started doing it was by making a hashMap of points on the board(keys) and their current domains(initialized to 1..9 unless given) -> HashMap<Point, ArrayList<Integer>> curDomains = new HashMap<Point, ArrayList<Integer>>();
though I'm not sure if this is the best data structure to use.
-My question is how do I represent the arcs and the constraints? I have pseudo code for the algorithm but I don't know how to represent the constraints/arcs in java. What is the best way to represent C:set of constraints to be satisfied (which are the valid placements on a sudoku board) as well as my arcs A < X, c> where X is a Point and c is the constraints.
I thank you in advance for your helpful comments.
This would be the best to read for data structure related understanding while working with Arc consistency. Hope this will help you!
Above link will give you redirect notice just go to that university website and download PDF.
Good Luck!