I use a loop to determine if input is correct and if wrong to ask again till input is valid the programm does run but I have to input the number multiple times. If I do run the code on another machine, it runs smothly with just the first input. Here's an example but it is the same, no matter what loop I choose.
while (input != 1 || getchar() != '\n') {
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF) { }
input = scanf ("%d", &number);
if (input != 1 || getchar() != '\n') {
printf ("Try again!\n");
Changed the structure of the code and changed the loop conditions and the loop-body, but still multiple times input or one run.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
char c;
int input = 0, loopvariable = 1, number, secondtolastfibo = 1, lastbuttwofibo = 1;
long lastfibo;
printf ("Fibonacci-Numbers\n"
"How many Fibonacci do you want? ");
while (input != 1 || getchar() != '\n') {
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF) { }
input = scanf ("%d", &number);
if (input != 1 || getchar() != '\n') {
printf ("Try a positive number!\n");
secondtolastfibo = 1;
lastbuttwofibo = 1;
printf ("%d. \t%d\n", loopvariable, secondtolastfibo);
printf ("%d. \t%d\n", loopvariable, secondtolastfibo);
while (loopvariable < number) {
lastfibo = secondtolastfibo + lastbuttwofibo;
lastbuttwofibo = secondtolastfibo;
secondtolastfibo = lastfibo;
printf ("%d. \t%ld\n", loopvariable, lastfibo);
if (loopvariable % 10 == 0) {
printf ("Continue with Return.......");
return 0;
In- and Output: Fibonacci-Numbers How many Fibonacci do you want? 23\n 23\n
Changed the loop conditions: got rid of "while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF)" or changed the loop condition to (input !=1) or put input = scanf(...) outside the loop and the loop condition to (input !=1) but it didn't work and still had to input multiple times for it to start.
The scanset %1[\n]
will scan for one character that must be a newline. The scan will append a zero to the output so char newline[2]
is the minimum required. %*[^\n]
will scan and discard everything that is not a newline.
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( void) {
char newline[2] = "";
int input = 2, loopvariable = 1, number = 0, secondtolastfibo = 1, lastbuttwofibo = 1;
long lastfibo = 0;
printf ("Fibonacci-Numbers\n"
"How many Fibonacci do you want? ");
do {
if ( input != 2) {
scanf ( "%*[^\n]"); // scan and discard everything not a newline
printf ( "\tTry again\n");
input = scanf ("%d%1[\n]", &number, newline); // scan for integer and a newline
if (input == EOF) {
fprintf ( stderr, "EOF\n");
return 1;
} while (input != 2);
secondtolastfibo = 1;
lastbuttwofibo = 1;
printf ("%d. \t%d\n", loopvariable, secondtolastfibo);
printf ("%d. \t%d\n", loopvariable, secondtolastfibo);
while (loopvariable < number) {
lastfibo = secondtolastfibo + lastbuttwofibo;
lastbuttwofibo = secondtolastfibo;
secondtolastfibo = lastfibo;
printf ("%d. \t%ld\n", loopvariable, lastfibo);
if (loopvariable % 10 == 0) {
do {
printf ("Continue with Return.......");
scanf ( "%*[^\n]"); // scan and discard everything not a newline
input = scanf ( "%1[\n]", newline); // scan for one character that muse be a newline
if (input == EOF) {
fprintf ( stderr, "EOF\n");
return 1;
} while (input != 1);
return 0;