I am using google sheets and found a formula that works but I have to drag it down 1000s of rows which is making the sheet super slow/unuseable.
Basically I want to join all matches into a single cell. I am hoping array formula can be used somehow.
ColA | Col K |
1 | Value 1 |
1 | Value 2 |
1 | Value 3 |
1 | Value 4 |
2 | Value 2 |
2 | Value 4 |
2 | Value 1 |
If cell A24 contains "1" then return Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Value 4 All in one cell
If cell A24 contains "2" then return Value 2 Value 4 Value 1 All in one cell
Hope I am explaining ok
This is what I have but have to drag... =arrayformula(TEXTJOIN(Char(10), TRUE, IF(IFERROR(MATCH($K$4:$K, IF(A24=$A$4:$A,$K$4:$K,""),0),"")=MATCH(ROW($A$4:$A),ROW($B$4:$B)),$K$4:$K,"")))
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