i am trying to get the full sheetname dynamically from the address with the below formula in another sheet. is there a better way ?
address : '[Airport - Daily Burn Rate_2024.05.08.xlsx]HQ 2024'!$A$1
result : 'HQ 2024'
my formula :
="'"&MID(TEXTAFTER(CELL("address";'HQ 2024'!A1);"]";1;0);1;
FIND("~";SUBSTITUTE(TEXTAFTER(CELL("address";'HQ 2024'!A1);"]";1;0);"'";"~";1))
PS if the sheename changes, i dont want my other formula connected to this sheet to be ruined...
Here is an alternative way, one could try using TEXTBEFORE()
="'"&TEXTBEFORE(TEXTAFTER(CELL("address",'HQ 2024'!A1),"]"),"!")