I have constructed a financial model in excel, but want to know the sensitivity of a large set of assumptions. I have a tab of assumptions, which feeds into the model (col D8:D235), in the same sheet, I have made some alterations of these assumptions (Col M : Col R).
I basically want to replace the values in col D with the values in each of these columns in a loop, and save the corresponding output values. Within a for-loop, I would like to change the values in column D of the assumption sheet with column M, N, O, P, etc.., to retrieve output values which are created in the "Output" sheet in I28:I57, which I would subsequently like to store in column K, L, etc. before replacing the values in the assumption sheet (column D), with the next set of input values.
I have zero knowledge with VBA, so I was hoping someone could help me out.
To illustrate, I think I now correctly call out the columns which are involved, but have no clue how to write the 'for-loop' in VBA.
Sub SensitivityAnalysis()
'Define variables
Dim inputVariables As Range
Dim inputSet As Range
Dim initialVariables As Range
Dim Output As Range
Dim outputTable As Range
Dim i As Integer
'Set input and output ranges
Set inputVariables = Worksheets("Assumption sheet").Range("D8:D235")
Set inputSet = Worksheets("Assumption sheet").Range("M8:R235")
Set Output = Worksheets("Output sheet").Range("I28:I57")
Set outputTable = Worksheets("Output sheet").Range("K28:P57")
For i = 1:6
inputVariables = inputSet(i)
outputTable(i) = Output
End Sub
Thanks in advance.
I tried writing a for loop, but failed to do so
Please, test the next piece of code. It iterates between all columns of inputSet
, copy each column overwriting existing in inputVariables
, calculates the output sheet and saves the output in the corresponding column:
Sub ProcessAssumptions()
Dim WB As Workbook, wsAss As Worksheet, wsOut As Worksheet, inputVariables As Range, inputSet As Range
Dim Output As Range, outputTable As Range, i As Long
Set WB = ActiveWorkbook 'use here the workbook you need
Set wsAss = WB.Worksheets("Assumption sheet")
Set wsOut = WB.Worksheets("Output sheet")
Set inputVariables = wsAss.Range("D8:D20") ' wsAss.Range("D8:D235")
Set inputSet = wsAss.Range("M8:R20") ' wsAss.Range("M8:R235")
Set Output = wsOut.Range("I28:I32") 'wsOut.Range("I28:I57")
Set outputTable = wsOut.Range("K28:P32") 'wsout.Range("K28:P57")
'Iterate between inputSet columns and do processing:
For i = 1 To inputSet.Columns.count
inputVariables.value = inputSet.Columns(i).value 'copy the inputSet as value, not as formula
wsOut.Calculate 'if other sheets are involved you should use WB.Calculate
outputTable.Columns(i).value = Output.value 'save the output in the corresponding colummn
Next i
MsgBox "Ready..."
End Sub