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infinite spring- jms test

I trying to write test for my springJmsListner, but it endlessly.I think its related with Context Caching but i'm not sure. I am using testContainers

    private lateinit var jmsTemplate: JmsTemplate

    private lateinit var jackson: ObjectMapper

    private lateinit var jdbcTemplate: JdbcTemplate

    fun testJmsListner() {

        val message = "message"
        val queue = "queue"

        jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(queue, message)

        val sentMessage: Message? = jmsTemplate.receive(queue)
        if (sentMessage != null) {

        assertEquals(message, (sentMessage as TextMessage).text)

in logs i see that last operation in another thread,but i dont know how fit this

2024-05-06T16:22:58.646+03:00 INFO 10455 --- [tasks] [ Test worker] .j.a.l.p.testJmsListner : Started testJmsListner in 1.746 seconds (process running for 6.678) 2024-05-06T16:22:58.909+03:00 INFO 10455 --- [tasks] [ntContainer#0-1] some logs about my message is recieved


  • You qualified what you really want in the comment above

    I am trying to do test, which check that my message will be correctly deserialize

    Depending on which JMS library is being used the message conversion may be handled in different ways. So you could use a different call to get access to the Message before it gets sent.

    Notice that convertAndSend(destination, message) has an alternative convertAndSend(destination, message, messagePostProcessor)

    You could call that in your test and in the callback you'll get access to the converted Message