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Gremlin query to get nodes, edges and children in Java

For compatibility with APIs previously exposed by a Java library for Spring Boot, which I am modifying to integrate with AWS Neptune, I need to load a "node" and all its children, along with their edges (from node to children), from Neptune. However, I haven't been able to accomplish this with a single Gremlin query so far; the only way I found, which I'll outline below, involves two separate queries. Obviously, this significantly impacts performance. Is there a more elegant and optimized way to achieve the same result?

(as you can see, nodes have an attribute called entityId and a name)

public class VisibilityRepositoryGremlin {

    private final GraphTraversalSource g;

    private Client client;

    public VisibilityRepositoryGremlin(GraphTraversalSource g) {
        this.g = g;

    public Mono<Node> findVisibleNode(UUID originEntityId, String originLabel,
                                      UUID targetEntityId, String targetLabel, boolean isPrivileged) {

        return g.V()
            .has(Node.ENTITY_ID_PROPERTY, originEntityId.toString())
            .repeat(outE(Node.CAN_SEE_REL_TYPE, CONTAINS_REL_TYPE)
                .has(VisibilityGroupRelationship.VISIBILITY, isPrivileged ?
                .has(Node.ENTITY_ID_PROPERTY, targetEntityId.toString()))
            .findAny().orElse(Mono.error(new NotFoundException(("Entity not found"))));


    public Mono<Node> findById(String s) {

        List<Map<String, Object>> result= g.V().hasId(s)
            .project("visibilityGroup", "children")
                .project("edge", "visibility")

        if (result.isEmpty()) return Mono.error(new NotFoundException("Not found"));

        Node vg = getNodeFromVertexProps((Map<Object, Object>)result.get(0).get("visibilityGroup"));

        List<Map<Object, Object>> childrenMaps = (List<Map<Object, Object>>)result.get(0).get("children");

        childrenMaps.forEach(map -> {
            Map<Object, Object> edgeProps = (Map<Object, Object>) map.get("edge");
            Node child = getNodeFromVertexProps(edgeProps);
            if (VisibilityGroupRelationship.Visibility.valueOf((String)map.get("visibility")) == 
            else vg.addChild(child);

        return Mono.just(vg);


    private static Node getNodeFromVertexProps(Map<Object, Object> r) {
        return Node.builder()


  • You're doing a lot of extra work at the bottom of the query within the findVisibleNode method. You could combine those two into:

                .has(Node.ENTITY_ID_PROPERTY, originEntityId.toString())
                .repeat(outE(Node.CAN_SEE_REL_TYPE, CONTAINS_REL_TYPE)
                    .has(VisibilityGroupRelationship.VISIBILITY, isPrivileged ?
                    .has(Node.ENTITY_ID_PROPERTY, targetEntityId.toString()))
                .project("visibilityGroup", "children")
                    .project("edge", "visibility")

    That would essentially get the same results.