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Build Dockerfile with Java and maven with CodeArtifact dependency

I'm trying to build my project using Docker, it has some Java REST APIs, I'm using Maven and Spring Boot on a multiservice architecture. I have a "slave" module called "common-utilities", it has all the generic entities and some Calendar utilities that I need and this module is used as dependency on all my other modules.

I was having a problem where Docker couldn't build since it doesn't find my own slave module as a dependency for the other one, since it's looking on Maven Central for it, after some searching I've found that I could manually copy this dependency's .jar to docker build's .m2 folder but, not happy with that solution. I then found that I could upload the slave module's .jar to a private repository, tried Nexus but since I'll use AWS soon, I moved to AWS Code Artifact.

Now the problem is, how to set the token from outside AWS's infrastructure that my settings.xml needs to download this dependency?


  • After searching a lot I've found a way to do this. I tried the RUN command but since it's execution can't save the result into an usable variable to be captured by settings.xml, I had to take another approach. This is my Dockerfile:

    # Build stage
    # Maven image to build the application
    FROM maven:3.9.6-amazoncorretto-17-al2023 AS build-stage
    # Creating the directory
    RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
    # Setting the working directory.
    WORKDIR /usr/src/app
    # Adding the source code to the build stage.
    ADD . /usr/src/app
    # And here comes the Amazon configuration step!
    RUN yum install aws-cli -y
    RUN aws configure set aws_access_key_id 'YOUR KEY'
    RUN aws configure set aws_secret_access_key 'YOUR SECRET ACCESS KEY'
    RUN aws configure set aws_region 'YOUR REGION'
    RUN aws configure set aws_output_format json
    # Then I execute the command to get Code Artifact's token and save it into a file called "result" located in "./"
    RUN aws codeartifact get-authorization-token --domain YOUR-DOMAIN --domain-owner YOUR-OWNER-ID --region YOUR-REGION --query authorizationToken --output text >> ./result
    # So now I execute the maven install command passing the settings.xml WITH the property "token", which is a cat command to read from the file that has the token and to be used inside the XML file.
    RUN mvn -Dtoken=${cat ./result} -s settings.xml install -U
    # Production step. Now it's done, it works!
    FROM openjdk:17-alpine AS production-stage
    COPY --from=build-stage /usr/src/app/target/*.jar my-api.jar
    EXPOSE 8788
    ENTRYPOINT ["java", "", "-Xmx256m", "-Xms128m", "-jar", "my-api.jar"]

    And this is my settings.xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <settings xmlns=""

    I'm not sure if it's the right way but it works!! So I wanted to share this info with you guys cause I couldn't for the love of me find any info about how to do this.