This dropDown allows you to select between three page scale values.
Is there a way to feed the code with the whole scale range from 10 to 400 other than building a "Case" for every value?
In my question Excel Ribbon comboBox: set page scale value (for mac), Tim Williams suggests to try:
GetPageScale = ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Zoom & "%"
iSize = CLng(Replace(id, "%", ""))
Where would be the right place for either line in the code?
' -- XML
<customUI xmlns="" onLoad="LoadRibbon">
<tab id="Tabv3.1" label="TOOLS" insertAfterMso="TabHome">
<group id="GroupDemo3"
label="Page Scale"
<dropDown id="DropDown2"
<item id="Scale_100"
<item id="Scale_77"
<item id="Scale_68"
' -- Standard Module
Option Explicit
Public RibUI As IRibbonUI
Sub LoadRibbon(Ribbon As IRibbonUI)
Set RibUI = Ribbon
RibUI.InvalidateControl "DropDown2"
End Sub
'Callback for DropDown2 onAction
Sub DropDown2_onAction(control As IRibbonControl, id As String, index As Integer)
Dim iSize As Long
Select Case Right(id, 2) ' id
Case "100%"
iSize = 100
Case "77%"
iSize = 77
Case "68%"
iSize = 68
End Select
If iSize > 0 Then _
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Zoom = iSize
End Sub
'Callback for DropDown2 getSelectedItemIndex
Sub DropDown2_onAction(control As IRibbonControl, id As String, index As Integer)
Dim iLoc As Long, sZoom As String
iLoc = InStr(id, "_")
If iLoc = 0 Then Exit Sub
sZoom = Mid(id, iLoc + 1)
If IsNumeric(sZoom) Then ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Zoom = CInt(sZoom)
End Sub
Function GetPageScale() As String
Select Case ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Zoom
Case 100
GetPageScale = 0 ' "100%"
Case 77
GetPageScale = 1 ' "77%"
Case 68
GetPageScale = 2 ' "68%"
End Select
End Function
' -- ThisWorkbook
Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
RibUI.InvalidateControl "DropDown2"
End Sub
Microsoft documentation:
'-- XML
<customUI xmlns="" onLoad="LoadRibbon">
<tab id="Tabv3.1" label="TOOLS" insertAfterMso="TabHome">
<group id="Group6" label="Views">
<box id="box" boxStyle="horizontal">
<labelControl id="label1" label="Zoom "/>
<editBox id="EditBox"
getText = "EditBox_getText"
<labelControl id="label2" label="%"/>
'-- VBA Code
Option Explicit
Public RibUI As IRibbonUI
Sub LoadRibbon(Ribbon As IRibbonUI)
Set RibUI = Ribbon
End Sub
'Callback for EditBox onChange
Sub EditBox_onChange(control As IRibbonControl, text As String)
Dim iZoom As Long
iZoom = Val(text)
If iZoom > 400 Or iZoom < 10 Then
RibUI.InvalidateControl ("EditBox")
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Zoom = iZoom
End If
End Sub
'Callback for EditBox getText
Sub EditBox_getText(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
returnedVal = ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Zoom
End Sub
' -- ThisWorkbook
Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
RibUI.InvalidateControl ("EditBox")
End Sub