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Open Userform by name

I would like to open Userforms using it´s Name without having to hardcode a Select Case-statement for each Userform.

i tried

VBA.UserForms(Integer).Show and

first threw error "out of range". second threw error "type mismatch"

then i tried a for each loop:

Sub Open_UserForm(ByVal UserFormName As String)
Dim Usf As UserForm
For Each Usf in VBA.UserForms
    If Usf.Name = UserFormName Then
    End If
Next Usf
End Sub

I tried this with Usf as Object too. In both cases it skipped the For Each at the first Iteration.

Then i tried it with VBProject and VBComponent:


I tried all these Methods with Modeless too.


  • Show Userform By Name

    • Based on Chip Pearson's article suggested by T.M. in your comments.
    • To test the difference between when the form is loaded (hidden) and when it is not, add a button with the code Me.Hide to hide the form and set the optional ShowMessages argument to True.
    Sub ShowUserForm( _
            UserFormName As String, _
            Optional ShowMessages As Variant = False)
        Dim obj As Object
        For Each obj In VBA.UserForms
            If StrComp(obj.Name, UserFormName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
                If ShowMessages Then MsgBox "Was already loaded.", vbInformation
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Next obj
        On Error Resume Next
            Set obj = VBA.UserForms.Add(UserFormName)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If obj Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "User form """ & UserFormName & """ not found!", vbExclamation
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If ShowMessages Then MsgBox "Was NOT loaded.", vbInformation
    End Sub