I have a json file that includes node IDs along with other data, and another file that includes node IDs and node names. The requirement is to extract the node ID from a longer string, and then do a lookup for the node name within the other json file.
"result": [
"env": {
"data": {
"id": "chassis-5/node-8/psu/psuA",
"status": "ok",
"result": [
"chassis": {
"data": {
"id": "8",
"name": "ecuserver",
I can extract the node ID and have an idea of the json_query required to retrieve the node name, however, I cannot make everything work.
- name: Load inv
chassisinv: "{{ lookup('file', 'chassisinv.json') }}"
- name: Extract data
input: "{{ lookup('file',psuoutput.json) | from_json }}"
csv_content: |
{% for server in input.result %}
{% set nodeid = server.env.data.id | regex_replace('.*node-([^\/]*).*', '\1') %}
{% set nodename = {{ chassisinv | from_json | json_query(".result[] | select (.chassis.data.id=="{{ nodeid }}").chassis.data.name") }}
{{ nodeid }},{{ nodename }},{{ server.env.data.status }}
{% endfor %}
delegate_to: localhost
Jinja2 doesn't seem to apply the regex_replace while setting nodeid, so {{ nodeid }} results in an empty variable and the json_query errors as it cannot run using empty lookup data.
I'm also not sure this is the optimal way to decode data (name), taking as input a regexp-manipulated json field (id), looking for it within another json file.
Would you be able to assist, please?
With valid JSON structures a minimal example playbook
- hosts: localhost
become: false
gather_facts: false
result: [
"env": {
"data": {
"id": "chassis-5/node-8/psu/psuA",
"status": "ok",
result: [
"chassis": {
"data": {
"id": "8",
"name": "eight",
- debug:
msg: |
{% for i in input.result %}
{% set nodeid = (i.env.data.id | split('/') )[1] | split('-') | last %}
{% set nodename = (chassisinv.result | selectattr("chassis.data.id", 'match', nodeid) | first ).chassis.data.name %}
{{ nodeid }}, {{ nodename }}, {{ i.env.data.status }}
{% endfor %}
will result into an output of
TASK [debug] *****
ok: [localhost] =>
msg: |-
8, eight, ok
Thanks To