So my problem is, i created page in Astro.js, i collect data from directus SDK, to propagate them on the site. I using buildin pagination in Astro.js. The problem showin up when i trying add some filtration. How can I rebuild pagination, i understand that pagination is rendered when sit is loading, but refresh dousn't rebuild it.
My pagination implementation:
export async function getStaticPaths({ paginate })
const items = await fetchItems(filterValue);
return paginate(items, { pageSize: 9 });
function fetchItems() fetching data from directus sdk. Function don't see declared veriable outside getStaticPath function. I want to make filterValue dynamic. Can i do this or have to builb pagination by my own?
What you need is nested pagination.
import type { GetStaticPaths } from "astro";
export const getStaticPaths = (async ({paginate}) => {
const items = await fetchItems(filterVal);
return paginate( items, {params: { filterVal }, pageSize: 9});
}) satisfies GetStaticPaths;
Example of project structure:
here is the official doc: