I tried to open and close a popup in a simple HTML page with javascript, but maybe im missing basic knowledge of JS. First I tried to declare global variable myPopupHandle. But hat is'nt populated in myOpenWnd. Here is the code maybe somebody can help.
<meta charset="utf-8">
<button type="button" onclick="myOpenWnd()">Open Popup Window</button>
<button type="button" onclick="myCloseWnd()">Close Popup Window</button>
<script type='text/javascript'>
let myPopUpHandle = null; // Always null
window.addEventListener("onunload", function(e) {
function myCloseWnd() {
if (windowObjectReference != null)
function myOpenWnd() {
const windowFeatures = "left=100,top=100,width=320,height=320";
myPopUpHandle = window.open(
Don't work popUpHandle is null after this
const handle = window.open(
if (!handle) {
console.log("his is likely caused by built-in popup blockers"); // logs the className of my_element
// The window wasn't allowed to open
// This is likely caused by built-in popup blockers.
// …
} else
window['windowObjectReference'] = handle;
As the popup window and the parent window are from different origin, you can't directly close the popup window programmatically due to the same-origin policy, which restricts interactions between scripts from different origins for security reasons.
Read the docs at MDN
If the website from a different domain allows being embedded within an iframe and doesn't have any security restrictions preventing it, you can indeed open it within an iframe in a popup window and close it programmatically from parent window.
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<button type="button" onclick="myOpenWnd()">Open Popup Window</button>
<button type="button" onclick="myCloseWnd()">Close Popup Window</button>
var popup;
function myOpenWnd() {
var popup = window.open("", "", "popup");
popup.document.write('<iframe style="width:100%; height:100%; display:block;" id="popupFrame" src="' + 'https://www.wikipedia.org/' + '" frameborder="0"></iframe>');
if (!popup || popup.closed || typeof popup.closed == 'undefined') {
alert("Popup window was blocked by the browser. Please allow popups for this site.");
window['popupWin'] = popup;
function myCloseWnd() {