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How to remove table name prefixes in class names with jOOQ?

I'm using jooq-codegen to generate Java classes from my database schemas, but I'm encountering an issue with table name prefixes. For instance, a table named t_user ends up generating a class named TUser when I would prefer it to be User (without the 'T' prefix).

How can I configure jooq-codegen to strip specific prefixes from table names during class generation? Any advice on possible configurations or workarounds in the XML configuration file would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

I checked the jOOQ documentation and found examples of adding prefixes, but there doesn't seem to be a direct way to remove prefixes.



  • Do this:

                <!-- Match only relevant tables, capture the name suffix -->
                <!-- Reference the captured group $1 -->

    It's probably worth adding an example in the documentation page about matcher rules as well. I've created a feature request for this: