I have a vue playground.
The container component needs to be able to control the display status of an unknown number of children in the default slot.
I assume the child components will need to hold a property or have some way of identifying themselves to their container.
How can the container change the display property of one of the components in the default slot?
NOTE: there is a related question at How can a container change the CSS display property of a child in the default slots? with a focus on using CSS to resolve the same issue.
<script setup>
import Container from './Container.vue'
import ChildA from './ChildA.vue'
import ChildB from './ChildB.vue'
<ChildA />
<ChildB />
<script setup>
import { useSlots, useAttrs, onMounted} from 'vue'
const slots = useSlots()
function logSlots(where) {
console.log( `${where} slots`, slots )
const children = slots.default()
console.log( `${where} slots children`, children.length, children )
function changeDisplay(whichChild, show) {
console.log( "change display", whichChild, show)
// how can I know I am accessing child a?
// what goes here?
onMounted( () => {
<button @click="logSlots('button')">log slots</button>
<button @click="changeDisplay('child a', false)">Hide Child A</button>
<button @click="changeDisplay('child a', true)">Show Child A</button>
<slot />
<script setup>
<script setup>
You can hide the default slot's children either by name or reference (also by index (not in the code)):
<script setup>
import { useSlots, reactive} from 'vue';
import ChildA from './ChildA.vue'
import ChildB from './ChildB.vue'
const slots = useSlots();
const slotted = () => slots.default().map(vnode => hide.has(vnode.type.name) ? null : vnode);
const slotted2 = () => slots.default().map(vnode => hide.has(vnode.type) ? null : vnode);
const hide = reactive(new Set);
function changeDisplay(whichChild) {
hide.has(whichChild) ? hide.delete(whichChild) : hide.add(whichChild);
<button @click="changeDisplay('ChildA')">Toggle Child A</button>
<button @click="changeDisplay('ChildB')">Toggle Child B</button>
<slotted />
<button @click="changeDisplay(ChildA)">Toggle Child A</button>
<button @click="changeDisplay(ChildB)">Toggle Child B</button>
<slotted2 />
A dynamic example: